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Kaleidoscope 2021: Supermoon to Total Solar Eclipse, This is an Astronomical Phenomenon Throughout 2021

TRIBUN-VIDEO.COM – The following is a kaleidoscope of astronomical phenomena throughout 2021, complete in this article.

Some of these phenomena are Full Moon Phase, Supermoon, Total Lunar Eclipse, Arietid Meteor Shower Peak, and so on.

There are astronomical phenomena that can be observed from Indonesia and from other countries.

So, what are the astronomical phenomena throughout 2021?

2021 Astronomical Phenomena

1. Full Moon Phase 28-29 March 2021

The full moon phase or also called the solar opposition phase of the moon is a configuration when the moon is facing away from the sun and in line with the earth and sun.

Reported lapan.go.id, given the Moon’s orbit which forms an angle of 5.1 degrees to the ecliptic, the Moon does not always enter the Earth’s shadow during the Full Moon phase, so every full Moon phase does not always coincide with a lunar eclipse.

The full moon phase in March 2021 will occur on March 29 at 01.47.54 WIB / 02.47.54 WIT with a distance of 362,173 km from Earth (geocentric) and is located in the constellation Virgo.

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The full moon can be seen the night before March 28 at around 17:45 local time from the east, then culminates the next day on March 29 at midnight at around the zenith and sets after sunrise at around 06:30 local time in the west.

2. Perige Full Moon (Supermoon/Supermoon) April 27

The peak of this full moon will occur at 10.31.29 WIB/11.31.29 WITA / 12.31.29 WIT with a geocentric distance of 357,616 km, angular diameter of 33.41 arc minutes and located in the constellation Libra.

While the perigee of the Moon occurs at 22.29.48 WIB / 23.29.48 WITA / 28 April 00.29.48 WIT with a geocentric distance of 357,378 km, angular diameter of 33.43 arc minutes and located in the constellation Libra.

So, this full moon is also called a Super Moon (Supermoon) because it is quite close to the perigee point.

Quoted by lapan.go.id, the full moon perige this time is the first of two series in 2021, the next series will occur on May 26, 2021 to coincide with the Total Lunar Eclipse which can also be witnessed in Indonesia.

The new perigee full moon can be observed in the east-southeast direction after sunset to west-southwest the next day after sunrise.

3. Total Lunar Eclipse May 26, 2021

A Total Lunar Eclipse occurs because the Moon’s position is close to Earth (Peridee), then the Moon will look bigger than the usual full moon phases, so it is called a Super Moon.

The total lunar eclipse will occur on May 26, 2021.

This eclipse phenomenon only occurs during the full moon phase and experiences a Total Lunar Eclipse (GBT) when the Earth moves between the Moon and the Sun, all three of which are in a straight line position.

The process takes place super moon occurred for 3 hours 8 minutes 12 seconds.

Meanwhile, the total duration super moon takes place in 18 minutes 28 seconds.

4. The peak of the Arietid meteor shower June 7

The Arietid Meteor Shower is a meteor shower whose radian point (the beginning of the meteor’s appearance) is located in the constellation Aries, precisely near the star Botein (Delta Arietis).

This meteor shower is the only meteor shower that can be witnessed during the day.

Active since May 14 last until June 24 next.

The peak occurred on June 7 with an intensity of 50 meteors per hour when at the zenith, so for the Indonesian region the intensity was reduced to 19-20 meteors per hour.

Can be seen from the East – Northeast before astronomical dawn, culminating in the North at 10.00 local time and setting in the West-Northwest at 16.00 local time.

This meteor shower is thought to have come from the dust remnants of the asteroid Icarus and the periodic comet 964/Machloz although the main source is not known with certainty.

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5. The Sun Above the Kaaba the Second Time

This phenomenon is also called Istiwa’ul A’zham (Great Culmination).

This phenomenon occurs when the declination of the Sun is equal to the geographical latitude of the Kaaba, so that at noon, the Sun is directly above the Kaaba.

It can also be used to check the Qibla direction in Indonesia except for parts of Central Maluku Province, Eastern Seram Regency, Tanimbar Regency, Kep. Kei Regency, Tual City, Southwest Maluku Regency except Wetar Island and Kep. Aru Regency.

In addition, the Province of West Papua and the Province of Papua are added.

The peak of this phenomenon occurred at 16.26.42 WIT / 17.26.42 WITA / 18.26.42 WIT. (Tribunnews.com/Devi Rahma)

This article has been published on Tribunnews.com with the title Kaleidoscope 2021 – Astronomical Phenomena Throughout 2021: super moon to a total solar eclipse

– Editor: nice echo praditiya sukirman
Video Production: Panji Yudantama
Source: Tribunnews.com – .

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