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Kalashnikov put two new types of weapons to military testing

The Kalashnikov concern revealed two new types of weapons: a light machine gun and a GP-46 underbarrel grenade launcher for it.

“The first batch was made for delivery to the customer for weapons testing,” – said the chief designer at the presentation event Sergei Urzhumtsev transmitting Channel 5.

The 5.45 mm machine gun will greatly expand the combat capabilities of the Russian military. It is equipped with a 100-200 round belt, which allows a much higher firing density. It is presented in two versions – with a barrel length of 590 and 415 mm. The weapon is designed to eliminate enemy personnel, as well as combat vehicles and heavy weapons.

The new underbarrel grenade launcher can be used either attached to the machine gun or separately. To do this, the developers installed a special model on the weapon, which is a removable barrier.

2024-08-10 17:19:00
#Kalashnikov #put #types #weapons #military #testing

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