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“Kalamare” pointed out if not to continue to supplement Fear of losing health benefits

“Kalamare” came out to move and revealed if not to continue to supplement Fear of losing health benefits I believe wrong because of reviews according to feelings Confirm the intention of doing good things with the FDA. Correct, only the results are magnificent.

On January 22, 2021, reporters reported on the case of “Kalamare”, a famous emcee Become a drama issue After reviewing my own supplements By revealing the properties that It is said that people have been addicted to COVID for 7 days, the existing COVID-19 is gone.

By later The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has suspended advertising. Coordinate with the police, the Suppression Division of the Consumer Protection (BMC) to prosecute the law. By issuing a summons for Kalamare to give the testimony As the news has already been presented

latest Resolution Reported that Kalamare released a live life during makeup. Show to see the page live. And my own double eyelids Emphasized that I didn’t do the surgery. Referred to said Don’t know what to do Why don’t people believe If asked how the flare of the nose flared and became smaller That is, my lifestyle changes to eating well, exercising in addition to being in good shape. Your page will be in the picture as well. Who had seen a doctor was acne About botox filler injection, never done

As for dietary supplements, honestly, confused, it is similar to how effective is it? That speaks like a power But we speak from my own experience. The results are really what they eat. In addition to taking care of yourself, exercising, eating good products, makeup is another way to help.

For the product confirms that everything has an FDA certificate, that is wrong, that is, not just speaking after Juan, but speaking by feeling and what actually happened But he could not speak (laughs) because of the leaves for advertising food and medicine, he said this.

As for the worries, stress and suffering at various places, Kalamare revealed that it has passed. Live with encouragement from customers who actually eat, some real reviews, phone calls to encourage Until wanting to cry The reviewer had eaten and saw the real results, personally unknown. Not a bang

Kalamare said that if he does not act against the fear of the bad. Because he really got the issue of health, we make products that want people to have a better life, want them to be healthy, for Mer, good health must be number one. Mair and Mother really eat by themselves, if it’s not good, are we going to put bad things into our own bodies? And every change is shown

In addition, the host also said that Prepare to make a project to recruit Thai women who have never passed the Lancet Not surgery or injection of filler Recruiting to eat products and see what the results are I want to thank you for all your support Will continue to do good products because we have the intention of making really good things. Do not all are correct. Only the result came out of a magnificent power palace And the results depend on the individual

In this regard, from the investigation officer issued a first summons to Kalamare To meet with the staff on January 28 The Kalamare has already signed. And stated that he was stuck at work on that day

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