Ragesh Krishnan Kurambala, who is suffering from cerebral palsy for the first time in India, is making his film directorial debut. The shooting of Kalam, written and directed by Ragesh Krishnan Kurampala, a native of Pandalam, has been completed in and around Pandalam. Ragesh Krishnan Kurampala says that Kalam, produced under the banner of Cine House, is a different kind of suspense thriller mixed with fantasy and drama. Ragesh, who has been active in the art scene since 2010, has directed five albums and three short films. He received the Kappa TV Music Award for the album Maunam Pole. Ragesh had bought his own camera unit to make Kalam. Ragesh Kalam is preparing the best technical workers.
The film Kalam presents some shocking events in the lives of Vinod and Shalini, which they do not even know about. One day, Dr. Sonu and Anjali enter the life of Vinod and Shalini. The shocking events that follow make the film Kalam a different experience.
Ankit George Alex as Vinod, Shishira Rilesh as Shalini, Saifu as Dr. Sonu and Amrita as Anjali.
Produced by CMK under the banner of Cinehouse, Kalam is directed by Ragesh Krishnan Kurampala, with story, screenplay, dialogue and direction. Camera – Vishal Mohandas, Songs, Music – Vijayalakshmi, Art – Shyam Kollam, Prem Pandalam, Makeup – Anoop Moovatupuzha, Sreelal Paloli, Production Controller – Karthik Pandalam, Manager – Prem Pandalam, Spot Editor – Binju, Associate Director – Manish Kumar, Asst. Director – Nitish Sivan Anchal, Akhil, Santhosh Kasarcode, PRO- Aymanam Sajan
Ankit George Alex, Saifu, Shishira Rilesh, Amrita, Reggie Punalur, Sijo Sattapuzha, Kala, Ranjith Kulanada and other newcomers are also playing the role.
PRO- Aymanam Sajan