The investigating officer revealed the truth behind Kalabhavan Mani’s death. The presence of methyl alcohol and pesticides found in Mani’s blood has made the death mysterious and controversial. P.N., who was in the team that led the case investigation, found the answer to that question that troubled the police a lot and its investigation methods. Unnirajan IPS disclosed. In an interview given to Safari Channel, P.N. Unnirajan’s frankness.
Mani’s paddy was checked several times as part of the investigation. All the objects found in its premises were recovered and a detailed statement was recorded including all those present there including friends like Jafar Idukki, Tarikita Sabu and others who had come to see Mani the day before. From Mani’s blood test report, it was found that there is methyl alcohol content in the blood. Ethyl alcohol is commonly found in alcohol and methyl alcohol is commonly found in turpentine or paint remover. This is called surgical spirit.
Methyl alcohol is not for consumption. About 90 percent of methyl alcohol is ethyl alcohol. There is 9.5 percent of this said methyl. It also contains 0.5 percent poisonous substance. If the content of methyl alcohol is more than 30 mg per 100 ml of blood, it is dangerous. Usually we consume ethyl alcohol. Many things are added to the charaya when it is steamed at home or outside. It may contain methyl alcohol. We have heard about the old Wipin alcohol disaster. The cause of that disaster was an error in testing the quantity of methyl alcohol. The Vypin disaster was a major disaster of that time.
Mani had traces of methyl alcohol in his blood. Traces of some pesticides were also found. Then inquired about methyl alcohol, have any of Mani’s friends been distilling alcohol lately, drinking alcohol on the way to the tour? But it has come to know that Mani has not drunk anything from outside recently. Three months ago, Mani had drunk charayam distilled by someone. Later Mani goes to Munnar. Mani has a house there. When we inquired whether the company was there, we did not get any such information. It has become the responsibility of the police to investigate and find out how the presence of methyl alcohol occurred in the bell. But there was very little. Regular consumption of methyl alcohol can cause blurred vision and other discomforts. Ethyl alcohol is given as medicine if methyl alcohol is consumed. It is given to neutralize.
Paddy by Kalabhavan Mani
We are looking into that and other things. When asked as an ultimate, the methyl alcohol content is very, very low. DySP Sudarshan who was with us then is now Crime Branch SP. He collected all the beer bottles Mani had been drinking from that place and sent them for chemical analysis. Waited for its results. Mani usually eats vegetables. Pesticides are used in vegetables. It was also investigated whether the pesticides had gone inside when the vegetables were eaten green.
Its investigation is in full swing. But there is no evidence that Mani ate meat or other food with them on that day or drank anything distilled from outside. Lately Money has only been drinking beer. While investigating about it, I realized that Mani is a chronic diabetic patient. Money has a tablet that is taken for diabetes. The doctor had prescribed this tablet for Mani a long time ago. Alcohol should not be taken with this tablet. If you do that, there will be a chemical reaction between them and it will have a harmful effect on the body. This tablet is taken in the morning and in the evening. Mani had taken this tablet that morning too. This is how we keep on using the medicine that the doctor prescribed four or five years ago, and then we don’t ask the doctor about it. This is a medicine that was prescribed long ago.
Kalabhavan Mani in the Tamil movie ‘Papanasham’
Along with this, Mani had started to weaken physically. It is remembered that Mani was last programmed at Cherpalassery. Mani was a healthy person. Ever since his health deteriorated, he used to go out with a sweater-like banyan or two inside his money shirt. Even though he could not even stand up, he sang for three hours in Cherpalassery. But when he came back from there, Mani was very weak. Physically, diabetes was taking a toll on Mani. But Mani did not tell this to anyone outside.
Meanwhile, everyone associated with Mani was interrogated. Check if what they said is true. Jafar Idukki, Nadirsha and Tarikida Sabu interrogated all of them. All of them said that Mani did not drink anything but beer. Meanwhile, the results of the chemical analysis report of the beer were received. It is in that result that we see the content of methyl alcohol that we mentioned earlier. The fact that beer contains methylated spirits had not caught our attention until then. After that, the medical board in Thiruvananthapuram discussed Mani’s affairs in great detail. What causes this death? Have we failed in any area? Things like that were discussed in great detail.
From this it is clear that Mani neglected his illness. Despite what others have said, Mani did not pay much attention to it. Mani also helped one of Mani’s companions and friends by giving him 10 lakh rupees when his liver fell ill. But in terms of money, that effort did not take money. Mani’s brother Ramakrishnan raised some doubts in the investigation and the case was handed over to the CBI. But Mani’s cause of death was liver cirrhosis. Mani was a liver cirrhosis patient. Nerves in the neck have often had to be banded after a broken liver. Mani often did not notice this.
Mani would have vomited blood but would have eaten beer. Vomiting blood is a symptom of liver cirrhosis. Mani used to consume 12–13 bottles of beer a day. The money bear was used on the 4th day before death, on the 3rd day before it and on the 5th day of death. 12 bottles of beer must have been drunk on the fourth day. Common people say that drinking beer is good for urination and so on. The beer bottle used by Mani and the beer bottle taken from another bar were sent for chemical analysis and methyl alcohol content was found in this beer.
It is true that beer contains a small amount of methyl alcohol. But when we drink a lot of beer, the amount of methyl alcohol increases in us. Same thing happened with Mani. Especially when Mani is a liver cirrhosis patient this can trigger quickly. What happened in Mani’s case was death due to the high content of methyl alcohol caused by drinking too much beer. I don’t know if it was because Mani was addicted to it even though he knew he had cirrhosis of the liver, he mostly consumed beer. Even without knowing it, it was tantamount to paying the price of death.
As there were disputes regarding the investigation, the case was later investigated by the CBI. But the CBI also came to this conclusion. Because our investigation was very meticulous. Keeping all the commitment and all the love and respect towards the artist called Mani, our team investigated with urgency to find out the cause of Mani’s death. In short, there is no doubt that what happened to a good artist was a costly death.
2023-11-11 10:35:49
#Mani #didnt #notice #truth #death #police #officer