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Kaesang Pangarep Reveals How His Family Remains Calm Despite Slander and Blasphemy – Purwokerto Interview


Chairman of PSI Kaesang Parangep revealed the reason for remaining calm even though his father, President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) and his mother, Iriana Joko Widodo, were slandered and blasphemed. Kaesang conveyed this when answering a question from one of the Bumi Ngapak Volunteers in Purwokerto.

“Mas Kaesang, I’m a mother here, a woman too. I want to know what tips Mrs. Iriana has been doing to raise the hearts of her sons and Mr. Jokowi. So far there have been many people blaspheming you, how come you look so calm? “Pak Jokowi and Njenengan’s family. So what do they do? Every day or something like that, bro, maybe you can imitate it,” asked one of the Bumi Ngapak volunteers to Kaesang in Purwokerto, Central Java, Tuesday (19/12/2023).

Kaesang admitted that there had been slander and insults against Jokowi and Iriana ahead of the 2024 election. Jokowi’s youngest son admitted that he could not accept it when his mother was slandered.

“So this is what usually happens in the past few months when someone has been talking about our family, also in Solo. Before, there was always something like that. When we were children, if I, if my father was slandered, blasphemed, I still wouldn’t “It’s okay, but when my mother said it wasn’t suitable, yesterday the one from Solo ran out and there was also one yesterday that leaked alus from Tempo, if I’m not mistaken, in my heart I actually couldn’t possibly accept it as a child,” said Kaesang.

Kaesang revealed the reasons for being calm and not being provoked by the slander and insults received by Jokowi and Iriana. Kaesang said that Iriana always advised him not to deal with this slander.

“Only when I told my mother, what should I do? My mother only said one thing, ‘Le, kowe golek duit wae ra no need to take care of it koyo ngono’ (Son, you just look for money, you don’t have to take care of things like that),” said Kaesang.

“Yes, because if I said that my mother told me to just earn money, but I still do other things, it means I’m disobeying my mother. So when my mother said that, that’s it, my heart immediately subsided, I continued looking for “more money. What I actually do is not look for money but look for votes,” he continued.

Kaesang said Jokowi also reminded that Iriana always prayed for him and his two older brothers, Gibran Rakabuming Raka and Kahiyang Ayu. He said that was what made him want to keep fighting.

“My father always said to me ‘Le, your mother ki mbendino pray the tahajud nggo kowe, nggo Mas Gibran, nggo Mbak Kahiyang’ (Your mother prays the tahajud prayer every day for you, for Gibran, for Mbak Kahiyang), that’s what makes us want to always fight because my mother always prays for all of us,” he said.

Contacted separately, Deputy Chief Editor of Tempo, Bagja Hidayat, said that the reporting in the Bocor Alus program had gone through open and anonymous source verification. He said that Iriana did not want to answer questions from Tempo even though the interview request letter had been received.

“Leak Alus is a program that is part of Tempo magazine. It is a kind of introduction to Tempo’s coverage. If we read the coverage about Mrs. Iriana in Tempo magazine, the information we received has been verified by many sources. Some are anonymous, some are open sources. Source information “We show anonymously because we have cross-questioned other sources through verification and then we confirmed it with the person concerned,” said Bagja Hidayat.

“Unfortunately, Mrs. Iriana did not wish to answer Tempo’s questions regarding the information we obtained. She has received our interview request letter, according to confirmation from the Minister of State Secretary, Mr. Pratikno,” he added.

He admitted that he did not know that Kaesang’s statement was inappropriate regarding Iriana’s reporting. He hopes that Kaesang will give him time to explain the information which he thinks is inappropriate.

“If now Mas Kaesang says the information in Bocor Alus is not appropriate, I don’t know what is inappropriate. Maybe it would also be good if Mas Kaesang was willing to take the time to answer all the information we got and publish it in Bocor Alus and Tempo magazine so that he and his family can clarify all the information,” he said.

Also watch the video: Ganjar responds casually to the issue that Jokowi has become the PAN family


2023-12-19 13:58:43

#Kaesang #Reveals #JokowiIrianas #Message #Family #Slandered #Blasphemed

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