Home » News » Kaesang Pangarep Ready to Run for Mayor of Depok with Support from PSI

Kaesang Pangarep Ready to Run for Mayor of Depok with Support from PSI


The son of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi), Kaesang Parangep, opened his voice about his support for becoming a candidate for Mayor of Depok. Kaesang stated that he was ready to become the first Depok.

“I am Kaesang Pangarep, I have received permission and blessing from my family, God willing, with this I am ready to be the first Depok,” Kaesang said in a video on the Kaesang Pangarep by GK Hebat YouTube channel as seen detikcomSaturday (10/6/2023).

Kaesang asked for support for himself. He ends the video by greeting ‘Freedom’.

“Please support, be free!” Kaesang said.

The encouragement for Kaesang to run in the Depok Pilkada was conveyed by PSI. PSI has also put up billboards with Kaesang’s face in Depok.

PSI DPP spokesperson, Cheryl Tanzil, admitted that she had seen the video of Kaesang’s statement. He emphasized that PSI is ready to support Kaesang in the Depok Pilkada. He also said PSI opened the door if Kaesang wanted to join as a PSI cadre.

“PSI supports Kaesang. We open ourselves up if Kaesang wants to join as a PSI cadre, but of course the decision rests with Mas Kaesang. PSI has the principle of providing support in accordance with the aspirations of the people. And the longing aspirations of the Depok leader from the highest polling results are in Kaesang,” he said.

See also video: Kaesang wears a PSI T-shirt, Puan: Do you want to join the PDIP or not?


2023-06-10 03:22:46

#Kaesang #God #ready #Depok

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