Head of the South Kalimantan Provincial Health Office, DR Diauddin, stated that so far no residents have contracted the bird flu virus.
Indeed, he said, in Banjarmasin, Tuesday, the bird flu virus has entered the province of South Kalimantan, cases were found in poultry farms.
“So there has been no case in humans,” he said.
As previously informed, the bird flu virus that entered South Kalimantan or Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) H5N1 Sub-Type Clade
This is in accordance with the Circular Letter of the Director General of Livestock and Animal Health Number 16183/PK.320/F/01/2023 dated 16 January 2023 concerning Increased Alertness for HPAI Sub Type H5N1 Clade
As stated by Diauddin, the bird flu virus can indeed be transmitted to humans, but for this type the impact is low.
“It can (infect humanity), but the probability is low,” he said.
So, Diauddin asked the public not to panic or worry too much about the bird flu virus cases that already exist in this province.
“Because cases are in poultry, not in humans,” he said again.
Related to the case of this bird flu virus, the South Kalimantan Provincial Government through the local Provincial Plantation and Livestock Service Office has moved to handle it according to instructions from the Governor of South Kalimantan H Sahbirin Noor.
Regarding the prevention efforts, Head of the Plantation and Livestock Service Office of South Kalimantan, Suparmi stated, including increasing biosecurity, distributing disinfectants to poultry farming centers, coaching, outreach and Communication of Educational Information (IEC) to the public regarding HPAI.
“Likewise, sampling for laboratory tests at the Banjarbaru Veterinary Center and monitoring of poultry markets in South Kalimantan,” he said.
The Provincial Government of South Kalimantan is also increasing monitoring of poultry traffic between provinces and districts/cities, given the relatively high traffic of poultry in this province.
Then, veterinary authorities and authorized veterinarians in each region continue to ensure that every bird that is transported is healthy and not infected with HPAI.
Editor : Imam Hanafi
COPYRIGHT © ANTARA News South Kalimantan 2023