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Kader PSI Fatimah who was Killed in a Car Accident in central Jakarta Identified from the Ring and surgical Scars

JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com – The bodies of Fatimah, the Party cadres Solidaritas Indonesia (PSI) who was killed in a car accident in the area of Senen, Jakarta Pusat, identified thanks to the ring and surgical scars.

Kabid Humas Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Endra Zulpan explains, the team DVI complement the data in postmortem and antemortem of the identification results, and match it with the items that are attached on the body of the victim.

“So it is matched with the properties of the goods attached to the body of the victim that ring,” said Zulpan in a statement on Wednesday (9/2/2020).

Read also: The end of the Mystery a Car Accident in central Jakarta, the death Toll AKP Novandi and Cadres PSI Fatimah, The Politicians So the Suspect

In addition, the word Zulpan, the team also match the data the identification results obtained by medical record Fatimah’s side of the family.

From there, investigators concluded that the data obtained is identical with the identity of Fatimah.

“Description of the concerned family ever perform the operation, according to the results of the data postmortem there is a wound of the operation,” said Zulpan.

“Can be delivered the second victim in the name of Fatimah, sex woman,” he continued.

Read also: Accident in central Jakarta, the AKP Novandi and Cadres PSI Fatimah’s Not Out of the Burning Car because Fainting

Earlier, the Police first successfully identified the victim killed in the accident.

Victims named AKP Novandi Arya Kharizma, a member of the Polda Kalimantan Timur who is the son of the Governor of North Borneo Zainal Arifin.

The accident happened on Monday (7/2/2022) at around 00.30 WIB. Car sedan Camry carrying the two victims allegedly drove at high speed.

Read also: The police Assign a Cadre of PSI Fatimah as a Suspect in a Car Accident AKP Novandi in central Jakarta

The vehicle lost control and then crashed into the separator busway in the area of Senen and friction cause a spark.

“Maybe with enough speed so high that then crashed into the separator that spark,” said Dirlantas Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Sambodo Purnomo Yogo.

Due to a single accident, the AKP Novandi and Fatimah died trapped in a burning car because of fainting.

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