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[K-통계] ① Tanzania statistics portal with ‘Taegeuk mark’… Contains Korean know-how

Reporter Yoo Hyeon-min

‘Tasis’, which resembles Statistics Korea’s ‘Kosis’… Attention to Africa’s leading statistical system

Laying the foundation for Tanzania’s population census using Korean statistical techniques

tanzania flag

tanzania flag

[연합뉴스 자료사진]

(Johannesburg, Sejong = Yonhap News) Correspondent Yoo Hyun-min and Reporter Song Jeong-eun = Total population: 65.07 million. It has a pyramid-shaped population structure, with 7 out of 10 people in their 20s or younger and less than 5% in their 60s or older. The ratio of men to women is 49.1 to 50.9.

You can view this information at a glance by accessing TASIS (Tanzania Statistical Information Service), a statistical portal in Tanzania, East Africa.

TASIS, which was built last year, is a database (DB) service system that provides various statistical data in Tanzania, and is similar to the Korea National Statistical Office’s KOSIS (National Statistics Portal).


It is designed so that you can easily find various population data such as population distribution and growth rate, life expectancy, and infant mortality rate, as well as economic indicators such as gross domestic product (GDP), price index, employment size, trade statistics, and crop production.

It also contains various social statistics, including education levels such as elementary and middle school, environmental information such as rainfall, and health statistics such as the number of medical personnel and hospitals and patients.

Each statistic is classified by category, and graphs and charts that allow users to see trends at a glance are also provided to aid user understanding.

Tanzania statistical database (DB) system ‘TASIS’

Tanzania statistical database (DB) system ‘TASIS’

[타시스 홈페이지 캡처. 재판매 및 DB 금지]

Tanzania statistical database (DB) system ‘TASIS’

Tanzania statistical database (DB) system ‘TASIS’

At the bottom of the Tasis homepage, there is a National Statistical Office mark along with the phrase ‘Supported by the Korea National Statistical Office.’ [타시스 홈페이지 캡처. 재판매 및 DB 금지]

◇ Tanzania’s statistics site is superior to neighboring countries… Taegeuk mark is clear

Tanzania is a strategically important location in East Africa, bordering the Indian Ocean and eight African countries. It is a federal republic formed by the union of Tanganyika and Zanzibar and gained independence from Britain in 1961.

Tanzania’s statistical system is one of the most well-equipped in Africa. Tasis is more accessible than the statistics site for Nigeria, Africa’s largest economy with a nominal GDP size of more than seven times that of Nigeria. In recent years, Tanzania has made great strides in the field of statistics collection and analysis, which are important tools for national development.

Close cooperation with the Korea National Statistical Office played a big role here.

When you connect to Tarsis, you can clearly see the ‘Taegeuk Mark’ in Swahili. Next to it is written ‘Statistics Korea’ in Korean along with the phrase ‘Supported by Statistics Korea in 2023’.

When establishing the Tasis development plan, the Korea National Statistical Office spread COSIS’s know-how and implanted the ‘K Statistics’ DNA.

The relationship between Tanzania and the Korean National Statistical Office began in earnest in 2021.

Statistics Tanzania requested international development cooperation (ODA) from Statistics Korea to conduct a population census, measure the performance of the 2nd Tanzania Five-Year Development Plan (2016-2020), and monitor the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

◇ ‘Population census’ know-how passed down to Tanzania… Enthusiasm of practitioners

The Korea National Statistical Office decided to transfer statistical know-how to the African region based on Tanzania, a key country for international development cooperation, and began the Tanzania statistical capacity building project.

Tanzania had been relying entirely on international organizations and foreign donor funds to conduct the population census every 10 years since 1978 due to difficulties in manpower, computer equipment, and information.

Tarsis Fact Sheet

Tarsis Fact Sheet

The Korea National Statistical Office and its mark are written on the information materials for the Tanzanian statistical DB system ‘Tasis’. [타시스 안내 자료 발췌. 재판매 및 DB 금지]

The Korea National Statistical Office has started with specialized training for the 2021 population census.

The training, which was conducted virtually during the COVID-19 pandemic, consisted of three courses: map creation for the population census, geographic information system (GIS) open source, and population census implementation.

At the Tanzania National Statistical Office, 18 people in charge of GIS and 23 people in charge of population census attended.

The Korea National Statistical Office shared its experience of the ‘2020 Population Census’ in 20 sessions. The National Statistical Office reported on the 21st that during the question-and-answer session held every Friday, staff at the Tanzania National Statistical Office were enthusiastic about asking questions.

The Korea National Statistical Office also provided 13 units of equipment for printing district maps and GIS equipment for the Tanzania population census.

Based on this experience and equipment, Tanzania successfully completed the 2022 population census.

Korea also built a statistical computing classroom at Serengeti Hall within the Tanzania National Statistical Office for statistical education and practice. This classroom was also used as a data processing room for the Tanzania population census.

In addition to the population census, the Korea National Statistical Office also conducted training for mid-level managers and social statistics staff at the Tanzania National Statistical Office.

Albina Chuwa, Director General of Statistics Tanzania

Albina Chuwa, Director General of Statistics Tanzania

[유튜브 캡처. 재판매 및 DB 금지]

◇ Tanzania’s Director of Statistics “Contributes to strengthening national power… Expect continued partnership”

Tanzania’s stance is that it will continue to strengthen cooperation between the two countries, taking advantage of Korea’s know-how becoming a core foundation for the development of statistical administration.

The Tanzania National Statistical Office held an opening ceremony for Tashis in Dodoma, the administrative capital of Tanzania, in November last year. On our side, Kim Seon-pyo, then Ambassador to Tanzania, and a delegation from the Korea National Statistical Office attended.

Albina Chuwa, head of the Tanzania National Statistics Office, said, “The Korean National Statistical Office’s statistical capacity strengthening project was the foundation for the success of Tanzania’s population census.”

Commissioner Chuwa said, “TASIS is not just a technological landmark, but enables decision-making based on knowledge information,” adding, “It will contribute to strengthening Tanzania’s national power.”

He emphasized, “The statistical cooperation project with Korea was successful,” and “I hope that the partnership between Korea and Tanzania will continue in the future.”

Following Tanzania, Statistics Korea has been carrying out a project to strengthen statistical capabilities in Zanzibar, an autonomous territory of the Federal Republic of Tanzania, starting this year.

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Report via KakaoTalk okjebo

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2024/11/21 08:00 Sent

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How does the TASIS system in Tanzania enhance data collection ‌and analysis ​compared to traditional statistical systems used in other ⁤African‍ nations?

Tell me ​more about the Tanzania statistical database (DB) system ‘TASIS’. What makes it ‍different‍ from other⁢ statistical systems in Africa, and how does it‍ aid the country‌ in achieving its national development goals?

What were some of the⁣ statistical capacity building projects undertaken by the Korea National Statistical Office in Tanzania?​ Can​ you share specific examples of collaboration ⁤and cooperation⁤ between the⁣ two countries in this regard?

What challenges did Tanzania face before collaborating with the Korea National Statistical Office, particularly in terms of conducting a population census⁤ and collecting reliable data for national development? ‍How did this partnership help address‍ these challenges?

What are your thoughts on the potential for future collaboration between Tanzania and other countries in the field of‍ statistical capacity building? How can this cooperation⁣ lead to greater regional development and cooperation?

Given that Tanzania has​ been able to ​successfully implement the TASIS system, have there been any impacts⁣ on​ public knowledge and awareness of statistics?‍ If so,‌ how ‌have these​ changes been received by ⁢the public, and​ what⁣ opportunities⁢ do you see for further promoting data ‌literacy in the‌ country?

in terms of overcoming data⁢ management and analysis ‌challenges in low-income countries, can you share any‍ best‌ practices or ​lessons learned ‍from the Tanzania-Korea partnership ‍that could be useful for other nations seeking to improve⁢ their ‍statistical infrastructure?

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