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Juventus thanks Nedved and Arrivabene: official farewell

The Juventus club has issued a farewell statement to the two managers who will no longer be part of the board

The Juventus he greeted and thanked Pavel Nedved e Maurice Arrivabene who, starting from 18 January, will no longer be part of the Juventus board of directors. With an official press release, the company has formalized a well-known divorce which will be effective with the appointment of the new one Board of Directors with Gianluca Ferrero who will take the place of Andrea Agnelli as number one.

The press release

“Pavel gave everything for Juventus – we read – first as a player, then as a member of the board and vice president. […] A second black and white life that began in 2009, entering the Board the following year and becoming Vice-President of Juventus in 2015, also winning in this new role. Impossible to describe in words what we lived together, the memories of the victories won side by side and the moments shared over the years remain”.

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“The paths of Juventus and Arrivabene – continues the press release – met in 2012 with his entry into the BoD, then with the management of the Football area from July 2021 and the role of CEO from November of the same year. In recent months he has offered his experience and expertise to Juventus, defining corporate strategies for constant improvement”.

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“Juventus would like to thank both of them for the work done and the passion put into tackling challenges every day”.

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