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“Juventus Faces Another Penalty Point in June: The Latest on the Salary Maneuver Investigation and UEFA Decision”


 Giugno caldissimo per il club bianconero sul fronte della giustizia sportiva: il 15 l'udienza del secondo filone di indagini. In attesa di Nyon

The nightmare isn’t over. After the ten penalty points inflicted by the FIGC Court of Appeal for the investigation into capital gainsthe Juventus – which is evaluating whether or not to appeal to the Coni Guarantee College – is now expected by another very hot month on the sports justice front. It was set for June 15 the hearing of the second line of investigations before the national federal court of the FIGC for the so-called ‘salary maneuver’ of the 2019-20 season and the following one, relationships with some sports agents and partnerships with other clubs. With the specter of another possible penalty on the horizon and the uncertainty of whether it will be applied this or next season. Then there is the open game with the Uefa.

There are two ways forward with regard to the investigation into the salary maneuver in which the
Juve the violation of article 4.1, that of sporting loyalty, is contested and for which the Juventus club has been referred for direct and objective responsibility “for the acts and behaviors carried out by its managers (referred Andrea Agnelli – at the material time president of the board of directors – Pavel Nedved then vice president, Fabio Paratici, Federico Cherubini, Giovanni Manna then director of the Under 23, Paolo Morganti head of Football Operations, Stefano Braghin director of the youth sector at the time). start of the process, with a consequent reduction of a third of the penalty to be served in the season that officially ends on June 30, or in the next. The other is to get to the end of a new process with three levels of judgment. there is the
Uefa who, having received all the documents from the Turin prosecutor’s office, is carrying out his parallel investigation and who is allegedly preparing the exclusion of Juve from the cup competitions. Nyon’s decision is expected in June.

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2023-05-23 07:49:09
#Juve #salary #hearing #UEFA #ruling #nightmare #Sportmediaset #Sport #Mediaset

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