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Juve, Pirlo pushes for Dzeko: these are decisive hours

Contacts, meetings, expectations. Juventus’ week began exactly as it had ended: with the center forward on top of his thoughts. With Edin Dzeko (on pole) to contend with Luis Suarez for the place next to Cristiano Ronaldo. The 34-year-old Bosnian remains the favorite, thanks also to the weak football that Andrea Pirlo is reiterating towards him. But the 33-year-old Uruguayan, struggling with the termination of the contract with Barcelona, ​​can become the classic Paratici bang. Nothing is taken for granted yet and, as the well-informed repeat, anything can happen between Dzeko and Suarez.

Men change from hour to hour. What is certain is that at Continassa they are working as much for the Romanist as for the Blaugrana. They are different matches. The first is being played in Milan – neutral ground of the great intertwining that also involves Naples and Rome – and the other in Barcelona. Paratici wants to tighten quickly, but not everything still depends on him. Precisely for this reason, since we are talking about two nine different but equally international and almost peers, the feeling of the last few days has also been confirmed by the drafts of the last hours.

Read the full article on today’s edition of Tuttosport

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