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Juve-Napoli storm, imminent decision: surprise scenario

Not long because the Sports Judge deliver a final judgment on Juventus-Naples. Indeed, according to what reported by ‘Tuttosport’ the final decision (after the same Judge had put sub judice the result) is arriving in the next few and should represent, surprisingly, a sort of compromise given the exceptional nature of the situation.

There are two main options that can be taken. Both punish Napoli for the flat rate on Sunday evening, but each in a different way. The hardest solution involves it 0-3 at the table and at least a penalty point for the Neapolitan club.

The softer one, which now seems the most probable, leads instead to a postponement to a later date (given the European commitments of both companies it would go to January), however with a point of penalty in the standings it’s a very high fine for Napoli.

The latter possibility, according to the Turin newspaper, would reflect theexceptionality of the case, given the controversy about regulations, on the protocol and on regional ordinances due to measures to counter the pandemic of Covid-19. What is certain, however, is that then no more exceptions will be made.

Whether it is ‘soft’ or not, the ruling is unlikely to satisfy the Naples which, through the words of the lawyer Mattia Grassani, has already made it known that he considers himself “on the side of reason” in the controversy, and that he will not accept “either minor penalties“.

“A large part of the scientific community seems to have understood the reasons for choosing the club, oriented towards respect forLocal Health Authority and to protect the health of citizens – declared the lawyer Grassani to the ‘Corriere dello Sport’ -. And then just read the provision of the Naples Local Health Authority, which prohibits the trip to Turin for public health reasons, to get a complete idea of ​​the story “.

OMNISPORT | 08-10-2020 11:23

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