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Juve-Inter slow motion, Cesari: “Brozovic was as a red player”

The controversy between Juventus and Inter fans does not subside after the “cases” a bit on the edge during the Italian Cup final between Juve and Inter. To infuriate the Juventus people, in addition to penalty awarded to Lautaroconsidered very generous, was above all the missed second yellow to Brozovicguilty of having removed the ball with a gesture of annoyance after being cautioned by the referee Valeri. He tried to clarify Graziano Cesari: “I rate Valeri 5, that second yellow card to Brozovic weighs a lot”. And again: “The Var rightly calls the referee to review the second penalty, De Ligt’s foul is there and he is naive. But on that occasion, everything happens on the sidelines: there is chaos and all this has been seen throughout the entire game. ”

Also under the lens of the Mediaset moviolista contact De Vrji-Vlahovic: “Many situations, in contact with both the players and the benches: there was nervousness and little discipline on both sides. The penalty requested by Juve? Vlahovic moves the ball, De Vrij only goes to the ball later, before he hits the shoe of the Serbian. If there is slow motion, this too had to be analyzed “.

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