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Jusuf Hamka’s Clarification Regarding Islamic Banks

Yusuf Hamka admitted that he did not intend to accuse or discredit Islamic banking.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA — Entrepreneur Jusuf Hamka provide clarification on his statement related to Syariah banking which has recently appeared in various media reports. The head of PT Citra Marga Lintas Jabar (CMLJ) apologized and admitted that he did not intend to accuse or discredit Islamic banking.

“The statement about Islamic banking which was mentioned in the news as “cruel” was my spontaneous response to journalists’ questions and questions host one of the events podcast Youtube,” said Jusuf in his testimony, Sunday (25/7).

Jusuf admitted that he fully supports Islamic banking and is currently using financing from Islamic banks for the construction of toll road infrastructure in Bandung. The company will also get sharia banking financing facilities for other toll road infrastructure projects whose value is also quite large.

Jusuf explained that the current problems are not related to the Islamic banking system and banking, but are related to customer relationships with banks. According to him, there is a negotiation process in the settlement of financing obligations that have not yet obtained an agreement between Jusuf as a customer and a syndicate from several Islamic banks.

The problem concerns the accelerated repayment of syndicated financing from Islamic banks. According to him, there are perceptions and differences in the calculation of the repayment obligation between Jusuf’s calculations and those of the syndicated bank.

“Actually, our side and the syndicated sharia bank have held several meetings and reached agreement on several matters, but there are still things that we still haven’t gotten an agreement with,” said Jusuf.

PT Citra Marga Lintas Jabar (CMLJ) received syndicated financing from seven sharia banks in 2016. CMLJ received a syndicated financing facility of Rp 834 billion, with an Al Murabahah (sales and purchase) financing agreement. As for indications yield/margin equivalent to 11 percent with a tenor of 14 years (168 months), for the Soreang-Pasirkoja Bandung (Soroja) toll road construction project.

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