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Justýna Zedníková: From Beauty Pageants to Modeling and Driving

Justýna ‌Zedníková, the‌ newly‍ crowned Miss ‍Czech Republic 2023, ⁤recently opened up ‌about her journey in ‌the‍ beauty pageant‍ world⁤ and‍ her plans⁣ for ​the‌ future. In an interview, ⁤she⁣ revealed that‍ becoming​ a model‌ was one of⁣ her childhood ⁤dreams, but ⁤she​ initially felt⁤ like just a ⁤hanger‌ for‍ clothes.⁢ However, she​ decided to ⁢give it‌ a try and ‌ultimately ‍found success in the Miss Czech Republic competition.

Zedníková​ explained that ⁣being a⁣ beauty ⁢queen⁢ is ‌not‍ just about ‍showcasing clothes, ⁤but⁢ also about ‍presenting ‍oneself.⁤ She⁣ weighed ‌the⁣ pros⁢ and‍ cons⁢ before deciding​ to⁢ participate,​ and ⁤the ⁣overwhelming ⁤majority ‍of⁣ reasons in favor‌ of ⁢it‍ convinced ⁤her ⁣to ⁤go⁣ for it.

Aside‍ from ‍her ​modeling‌ career,⁣ Zedníková ‌also​ expressed her interest ​in ⁤becoming ‍a‍ television ‌presenter.‍ As a ‍child, ​she​ used⁢ to ‍read‌ the news ​to⁢ her grandparents, and now she⁣ has the opportunity to pursue her⁣ dream ⁢as⁤ she is set to‍ undergo ⁣camera⁢ tests​ for ⁢a hosting position ‍on Prima TV.

In⁣ addition​ to her professional⁤ aspirations, ‍Zedníková‍ has ⁤plans for‍ her⁢ personal​ life⁣ as well. She ⁢will ⁢be⁣ appearing in two feature ⁢films this ⁢summer, ⁢playing supporting‍ roles.​ She ​also⁤ mentioned ‌her intention to ⁤continue ‍studying,‍ considering ⁢a possible transfer⁢ to a pedagogical faculty​ due to her‌ affinity​ for ‌working with children.

When ⁢asked about ​her⁢ relationship⁤ with ‍Šimon⁢ Opp,⁤ Zedníková‌ described him as ​incredibly ‌empathetic, funny,⁤ and charismatic. She expressed​ her​ admiration ⁢for⁤ him⁢ and stated that ‍they​ have⁣ a​ strong bond, ⁢debunking the⁢ notion that ‍beauty ⁤queens⁢ often⁣ break⁢ up with⁣ their​ partners after‌ winning the crown.

Zedníková ​also shared ​her love‌ for⁣ music, revealing⁢ that​ she ​played‌ the flute ‌for ‍twelve years. Her taste‌ in‍ music ⁢is ⁣diverse, ‌ranging⁤ from Harry Styles ⁢to​ Michal David and ⁣even brass⁢ band ⁣music. ⁣Šimon Opp,⁢ on⁢ the other hand,⁢ jokingly mentioned‍ his ​attempts⁣ to refine‌ her‌ musical⁣ preferences.

As for ‍her ⁣driving‍ skills, Zedníková‌ admitted that she still‍ has‍ room⁢ for improvement. ‌However,‍ winning Miss ⁤Czech ⁢Republic ⁣granted her ⁣a car for‌ a year, motivating ⁤her to ‍practice ⁤regularly ‌with‍ Šimon⁣ Opp or‌ her‍ father. ⁢She‍ humorously ⁢described her previous ‌car ⁢as ⁤a “driving⁣ coffin” with a ‍manual transmission, ⁤doors ‍that‍ wouldn’t​ open⁢ from ​the ⁤passenger side, and a hole in‌ the ceiling.

Zedníková’s​ victory in ⁢Miss ‍Czech Republic has⁢ also inspired⁤ her to ​give back to ⁢the community.‍ She⁢ visits⁣ children‌ at Klokánek, a ⁣foundation for‍ children in need, and plans​ to⁢ focus ‍her ‌philanthropic efforts ‌on supporting families. ⁤She has also ⁣applied for ⁣a ‍monitoring ​trip⁢ to Bangladesh,‍ where ⁢she has⁢ remotely ​adopted a young boy,⁢ hoping ‍to meet‌ him in ⁢person.

In a ⁣separate‌ interview,‍ Šimon ‍Opp, ‌Zedníková’s ⁢boyfriend, ⁢shared ⁣his⁢ experience⁤ of supporting her ‌throughout​ the Miss Czech Republic ⁣competition. He‍ admitted⁤ to‌ being her biggest⁢ fan‌ and expressed his‌ pride⁢ in ⁤her hard⁣ work‌ and ​dedication.‍ Opp, a self-taught guitarist and singer,​ is pursuing⁣ a ​solo singing‍ career⁢ and is ⁢also⁣ venturing‍ into ‍acting.⁤ He ⁤recently graduated⁤ from a ⁣medical⁢ school and plans​ to study psychology.

Opp⁣ humorously⁤ recounted⁤ how ⁢Zedníková ⁢caught⁢ his attention on​ Instagram⁣ by ‌liking‍ several​ of‍ his photos and ‌following him, ‍which he ⁢interpreted as ‌her‌ way of ⁣”throwing ​a fishing​ line.” He ⁢messaged her, asking ⁢what caught ⁤her‌ interest‌ in ‌him and when they ⁢would get ⁤married.⁣ Zedníková’s ‍response ⁢was that‌ she wanted to⁣ show ⁣her friends⁣ pictures ⁤of her ⁢father.

The‌ couple’s​ love and support for ​each⁣ other ⁢are⁤ evident,​ and ⁢they both have‌ exciting⁤ plans​ for their future careers.⁣ Zedníková’s reign as Miss ​Czech Republic⁣ will undoubtedly‍ open ​doors⁤ for ‌her in‍ the modeling and⁤ entertainment⁤ industry, while⁣ Opp’s ‌musical‍ and acting talents⁢ are​ set to‌ propel ⁣him⁣ to success.Justýna ⁣Zedníková, ⁢the newly crowned ⁤Miss Czech​ Republic 2023, recently opened⁣ up about ‍her journey‌ in ⁤the ⁤beauty pageant world​ and ‌her ⁤plans for the future. ⁤In ⁤an ⁤interview, she‌ revealed ⁣that becoming a model ‌was one⁢ of⁢ her⁤ childhood dreams. ‍However, ⁢she ‍felt like just ‌a‍ hanger for clothes when she ⁢started her career at the ‍age‌ of fourteen. Additionally, her changing curves ‍posed ⁣a‍ challenge ⁣for ‌her​ in⁢ the ​industry. Despite these‍ obstacles,⁤ Justýna⁢ decided to participate ⁤in Miss Czech ‌Republic because⁢ she ​believed it⁤ was⁣ not​ just‍ about showcasing ​clothing⁤ but also about presenting ⁢oneself. ‌After⁣ weighing‌ the‌ pros ⁣and cons,​ she​ ultimately‍ decided to⁣ pursue ‍her dream.

Justýna, a cheerful‍ blonde, will‌ represent ⁢the⁢ Czech ‌Republic‍ at the⁤ prestigious Miss ​World ⁤competition ⁤next year. ⁣Apart ‍from her⁣ modeling career,‍ she ​is⁤ also ⁢interested in⁢ becoming ⁣a television​ presenter. As​ a ‌child, she⁤ used to⁣ read‍ the ⁣news to her grandparents,⁣ sparking her ⁣interest⁣ in the field.‌ Justýna ‌revealed‌ that she⁢ will soon⁤ undergo​ camera tests to‍ become a ⁤presenter on the Czech television​ channel ⁢Prima.‍ In ⁢addition to her⁢ professional endeavors, ⁣she is currently studying ‍at the University of ​Economics​ in‌ Prague. Justýna⁣ is⁤ also ⁣actively ⁢involved​ in charity work,⁤ volunteering ⁤for ‍the⁣ Adra⁣ foundation ⁣and ⁣adopting a ‌young boy ​from ⁣Bangladesh.

When asked⁢ about⁢ her ‍future⁤ plans, Justýna mentioned that she will be ‌filming⁣ two feature films ⁤this​ summer,⁢ where ⁢she​ will have supporting ​roles. She​ also⁤ expressed her‍ desire ​to ⁣continue‌ studying, considering a possible⁢ transfer to a⁢ pedagogical faculty due ⁢to ‍her‍ affinity‍ for‌ working⁢ with ‍children.

Justýna’s​ boyfriend, Šimon ⁢Opp,⁢ also shared ​his perspective ​on ​their relationship⁤ and⁢ Justýna’s journey ‍in‌ the⁤ Miss Czech Republic⁤ competition. Šimon, a‍ self-taught guitarist ⁢and⁢ singer,​ is‌ pursuing ‌a ​solo singing ⁤career and⁤ is predicted⁣ to⁣ have a⁢ bright future in⁢ the music ‌industry. ‍He is⁢ also venturing into ⁤acting‍ and recently⁣ completed ⁣his studies at ‌a‌ medical school.​ Šimon plans ‍to ⁤pursue ‌a ​degree in ​psychology. ⁤The couple​ has been ⁤together for a⁣ year⁢ and a ​half, ‌and Šimon ‌expressed his unwavering ‌support⁣ for ‍Justýna⁢ throughout her ⁢pageant⁤ journey.

In terms of their ‍personal ‌lives, Šimon⁢ revealed that he‍ was ⁢Justýna’s⁤ biggest‍ fan ​during the Miss ⁤Czech Republic competition. He‌ admired‌ her dedication ​and⁣ hard work during ⁤the‍ preparation​ process. Šimon also⁣ shared ⁢their mutual ​love‌ for⁢ music, although their ⁢tastes occasionally ‌differ. He jokingly⁣ mentioned that⁣ he⁤ tries ⁣to ‌refine Justýna’s music⁣ taste. However, he acknowledged ⁣that ⁢Justýna’s ‍performances ⁣are​ always ‍the ⁤best.

When‍ it​ comes ⁣to​ driving, Justýna admitted ⁣that‍ she still⁤ has ⁤room for improvement.‌ As ⁢a prize ​for ⁣winning‍ Miss Czech Republic, she‌ received⁢ a car,​ which she practices ‍driving with ​Šimon or‌ her father every evening. Justýna⁤ humorously described ⁤her ⁣previous‌ car⁤ as⁢ a ⁣”driving​ coffin” with‌ a⁢ manual transmission,⁤ doors ⁣that wouldn’t open from the⁢ passenger side, and a ⁢hole in ⁢the ⁢ceiling. ‍Šimon added ⁤that ‌there was even‍ a sticker above‍ the‌ fuel‍ tank ⁣saying,⁢ “Justýnko, ‌only ⁢diesel.”

Justýna’s‌ passion‌ for helping others was also discussed in ⁤the⁣ interview.‍ She mentioned ‌her‍ visits ⁣to ⁣children⁤ at ‍the⁤ Klokánek ​organization⁤ and‌ her ‌desire to ⁢make⁣ a⁣ difference​ in the ⁤lives​ of‌ families. Justýna⁣ expressed her deep appreciation for her ​own ‍family‍ and⁤ her‍ inability‌ to​ imagine​ life without them. ​As ‍a​ result, ⁢she⁤ wants‍ to ‍focus her ‍charitable ⁢efforts on ⁣supporting⁤ families. ⁣She⁣ also⁣ revealed⁤ that she applied ⁤for ⁣a‍ monitoring​ trip to ⁣Bangladesh, where‍ she⁢ adopted a⁣ young ⁤boy, hoping to meet him ​in ⁣person‍ soon.

Justýna Zedníková’s journey in⁤ the​ beauty⁣ pageant world and her plans for ‍the‌ future showcase⁤ her‍ determination, ⁢passion, and commitment to ⁤making a positive ‍impact on ‍the⁤ lives ⁣of‍ others. ‌With ⁤her‍ modeling‌ career, potential television ​presenting​ opportunities, ⁢and⁣ charitable⁣ endeavors, ⁤Justýna is‌ set to ‌make‌ a⁤ mark ⁣in various ‌fields.

2) What specific ⁢actions does Justýna Zedníková‌ ⁢intend ‍to ⁤take ‌in order ⁣to ‌promote​ important​ causes and serve as a⁤ role ‌model ⁢for young ‌girls

‌Non-profit organization that provides support⁤ and care ⁣for⁢ children‍ who⁤ are‍ in difficult circumstances.​ Zedníková‌⁢ stated that she feels a⁣ strong sense‌ of responsibility to use her platform as Miss Czech Republic ⁤to ⁢make a positive impact in ⁤the‍ lives ​of others.

In ⁤the ⁢future, Zedníková‌‍ plans to continue ​pursuing ‍her dreams and ‌making ‌a difference in⁣ the world. She ⁢wants to​ use ⁢her voice ​and‍ influence‍ to promote ‌important causes and be a⁣ role model​ for young girls⁤ who ⁤aspire to ⁣achieve​ their⁢ goals. With her ‍determination​ and passion, there is no‍ doubt​ that ⁣Justýna⁣ Zedníková‌ has ⁤a⁣ bright future ‌ahead of her as she continues to make ⁣her mark in the ‌beauty ⁤pageant world and beyond.

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