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Justine Raussin: “Putting people back at the heart of work”

Take the plunge, Justine Raussin did it. From the status of employee to that of business manager. Rich in these experiences in various work environments, she decided to take flight by creating her independent activity. Testimony of this orientation psychologist who today helps her peers to build a professional life that resembles them.

Changing lanes is not necessarily easy. Yet it is an experience that you have had?

This was the starting point of my professional career. After the baccalaureate, entering a business school was a great disappointment. The support of those around me and the meeting with a guidance professional helped me to bounce back, right up to the benches of psychology college. I immediately loved these studies, until I made it my job. After 7 years of practice with students, applicants employment and employees, the year 2021 was another turning point in my career. Becoming an entrepreneur (which I imagined eventually for the end of my career) has become my priority. Employment and entrepreneurship differ in many respects (risk taking, time and financial management). I had to develop new skills, while relying on what made continuity with my professional past: my job as a counseling psychologist. If a change of path can take different forms (change of position, structure, methods of exercise, retraining, etc.), there are always certain points which can remain benchmarks.

Exactly ! A choice against which I first fought until I allowed myself to listen to my intuition. I was not unhappy as an employee, I liked my job and I was independent while being surrounded by a great work team. But the desire to create my own impact according to my own codes grew, becoming the essential step that I could regret if I didn’t dare. It was a way of living my life fully in a period of existential questions related to the loss of my grandmother. When we know where the need for change comes from, the desire can coexist more serenely with the risk. I secured myself by reconnecting to the meaning of this decision and to the resources developed throughout my journey. It hasn’t been an easy path, but it’s the one I chose with my heart.

This crisis revealed the latent changes. It seems to me that putting people back at the heart of work, opening up to flexibility, to better working conditions in the service of a life project will remain priorities. This will require profound transformations to be sustainable. This is a real opportunity to re-enchant the world of work. It is everyone’s responsibility: workers, support professionals, employers, public authorities.

Career paths are marked by the unpredictability of today’s world. Today, an employee who stays on the same workstation can sometimes be judged as lacking adaptation. Change is valued, sometimes even becoming an injunction! It is above all a question of taking care of one’s own needs, while remaining aware of the evolution of the market. “Am I fulfilled? do my missions motivate me? how do i feel at work? what deserves to evolve in my situation? What are the news about my structure and the job market? Regularly answering these questions allows us to follow the path that suits us best.

Finding that meaning involves knowing yourself well. Meaning is both a direction to take and a meaning given to an activity. Fortunately, it is built, by explaining its experiences, by making links with its own history, by gaining height on what we live. Painful work experiences can also be meaningful. I can ask myself: What traces would I like to leave of my existence? What do I want to contribute to this world?

Recognizing that you no longer feel in your place and allowing yourself to express it is already a big step in seeing that a better future is possible. It is also a question of understanding one’s situation in order to identify precisely what to act on. The solution is not the same if the trigger is relational as if it is related to our missions. These are not easy times, taking care of yourself and recharging your batteries is essential to move forward gradually. Asking for help does not rhyme with weakness! Depending on what leads us to the feeling of not being in its place and its intensity, specific actions are to be put in place.

The BLABLAJOB is solicited by people who are in the middle of questioning their orientation and their professional life, who are looking for a way out of a difficulty or who are in the process of carrying out a new project. All have in common to seek bubbles of humanity, resource spaces in which they can be themselves without being judged, express themselves freely while finding concrete keys to move forward. A new theme is proposed at each session (self-confidence, fear of failure, decision-making, for example). It can be a one-time participation or the appointment that boosts each month.

This tool takes the form of a simplified family tree within which we identify our family heritage. We are investigating the transmissions that have passed through the generations and that can impact our professional situation. The goal ? Identify resources to mobilize them, identify limits to free yourself from them, and thus create your own story, while respecting your ancestors. The themes explored can be personalized according to the situation of the accompanied person: values, representation of work, change, vision of success, etc. Connecting to your family history is meaningful!

Justine Raussin

Psychologist specializing in professional orientation and transitions

07 86 33 92 06



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