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Justin Trudeau, comic book superhero

A TidalWave Productions comic book featuring Prime Minister Justin Trudeau will be released on September 16.

• Read also: Justin Trudeau, superhero with Iron Man

The “Political Power” series comic has profiled politicians around the world since 2011 with a unique style of storytelling.

Synopsis: “Pierre Trudeau, 15th Prime Minister of Canada, was a powerful force in the Canadian political landscape. When his son, a charismatic, laid-back teacher, praised his father, Canada – and the world – took notice. “

Justin Trudeau who becomes the 23rd Prime Minister in 2015 is now a media sensation, according to the synopsis.

Dressed in a jersey stamped with a maple leaf in Canadian colors, Trudeau reveals himself in the skin of a superhero.

Written by Michael Frizell and drawn by Bernat, the 24-page book will be available in two versions, digital and print, on multiple platforms.

Author Frizell wanted to paint a non-partisan profile of Trudeau.

“Justin Trudeau is popular around the world, but like everyone else, he’s not without flaws. As a writer I have to find a way to balance the positives and negatives and distill a personality’s life and career into just over 20 pages or around 100 photos, ”he said. .

For his part, editor Darren G. Davis finds non-fiction stories sometimes “more entertaining.”

In the summer of 2016, Justin Trudeau was “sketched” in the role of a superhero in a comic book by the American publisher Marvel who had also drawn Trudeau father in 1979.

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