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Justin Bieber under the influence of his wife Hailey Bieber? The singer would be “depressed”

By Sally N. – Published on 04 Aug 2024 at 19:00, modified on 04 Aug 2024 at 19:06

Justin Bieber is reportedly depressed at the moment. Rumor has it that his wife Hailey Bieber is to blame for his unhappiness.

Justin Bieber has been in perfect love with Hailey Bieber for several years. Very much in love, the couple had chosen to get married quickly. It was in 2018 that they said yes for life. Moreover, last May, for their renewal of vows, the two stars announced big news. They are indeed preparing to become parents for the first time. A new step that will forever mark the young couple. But here it is, according to several sources, Justin Bieber would be at his worst at the moment. The reason? His wife would make his life difficult. Hailey Bieber would behave like a real diva. The singer would be under the influence of his wife.

Justin Bieber’s Crazy Spending on His Wife

Hailey Bieber would have chosen to lead a life of luxury and spend without counting according to our colleagues at Daily Mail. To satisfy his wife’s needs, Justin Bieber is said to have made many sacrifices. In addition to private jets, or even jewelry, the pretty blonde would have pushed her husband to sell the rights to his music catalog for 200 million dollars. A decision that shocked more than one, especially people who have known Justin Bieber for years. Moreover, this is not the only crazy expense that the star has made for the future mother of his child. During the renewal of their vows, he in fact offered her a new engagement ring worth 1.2 million euros.

The singer under the influence of Hailey Bieber

Justin Bieber’s life has clearly been turned upside down since he met Hailey Bieber. According to several sources, the young woman wants to control everything about her husband. She would judge in particular his clothing choices or even, she would isolate him from his friends and family. Selena Gomez’s ex is said to be in a total depression since he married Hailey Bieber. Moreover, since 2021, he has not released any new albums and would no longer have any inspiration or taste for music. Hailey Bieber would seek to control her husband’s image. She does not want him to date other girls, even from a friendly point of view. In other words, the model would be possessive.

Justin Bieber: “I had a little emotional breakdown”

A few years ago, Justin Bieber was a guest on the Ebro Show. The singer talked about his marriage to Hailey Bieber. He admitted to having suffered from depression after saying yes to the pretty blonde. He said: “I remember when I first got married, I had a bit of an emotional breakdown because I thought the marriage was going to solve all my problems and it’s not.” Then he added, “I was like, ‘You’re kind of a hypocrite. Like, you want your wife to do something that you don’t do.’ It’s hard sometimes to look in the mirror and really have to realize, ‘Man, maybe you’re not the person you thought you were.’ And, you know, it’s just a result of trauma and life circumstances.” To be continued.

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