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Justice, the government is now really shaking

The prescription acts and not least the executive. The clash between the Five Stars and Italia Viva on the reform of the judicial system continues. The hard fight between the minister Bonafede is Matteo Renzi it speaks volumes about how fragile the balance is in the majority and therefore also in the government. The truce lasted a few days after the result of the Regionals in Emilia Romagna. Now the Giallorossi are returning to war. From the stage of the national assembly of Italia Viva, Renzi goes to the attack of Bonafede and the Five Stars: “To Bonafede I say: ‘Stop as long as you are on time, because in Parliament we vote against the madness you have done“The ex-premier then sinks the blow:”Among the armchairs and legal civilization, we choose the legal civilization, without us you do not have the numbers in the Senate“.

Then Renzi himself proposed a solution to Bonafede: the Annibali award. This is the amendment of the Renzian deputy and group leader in the Justice Committee, which in practice suspends the effects of the Bonafede reform for a year, returning to the Orlando law. A move to reopen the negotiating table and go to change the law wanted by the Guardasigilli which has the vague manettaro flavor. But apparently the Five Stars have no intention of giving in on this point and thus increase the dose on Facebook where Minister Bonafede sends the proposal back to the sender: “As a minister I have always considered it essential to work and keep the low tones and I continue to think so. But let’s be clear – he underlines – I don’t accept blackmail and threats from anyone. And I go on“.

In short, doors closed to a pax with the Renziano front. At this point Pharaoh thinks about making explicit the threat on the Five Stars: “None of us blackmail or threaten Bonafede, we only invite him to reckon the numbers in Parliament: in the Senate without us he goes underneath”. An all too clear message that triggers the alarm across the government. The grillini at this point go wild and talk about urns. To do this is the pentastellata Barbara Lezzi: “If necessary, elections immediately. Because a civilized country always demands justice and is not confused by a clown like Renzi, who puts impunity and unjust detention on the same level“The dem Orlando tries to stop the bad moods:”An absurd remote controversy is developing between Iv and Bonafede which risks covering reasonable criticisms from the top judges during the inauguration of the judicial year. Let’s deal with these and resume the comparison“. But the Five Stars, with the political leader Vito Crimi, do not give up:”We knew that we could face strong resistance, it means that we are on the right track. We can’t stop, let’s move on“. The tension remains very high and a real earthquake in the government is not excluded …

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