Home » today » World » Justice: “Stepping on the gas” – How the procedures were accelerated – 2024-08-20 02:57:49

Justice: “Stepping on the gas” – How the procedures were accelerated – 2024-08-20 02:57:49

With a visit to the lawyer of their choice, avoiding queues and waiting in the courts, thousands of citizens managed to handle a series of very important cases and have in a few hours the documents for accepting or rejecting an inheritance, the paper to remove the pre-notification of a property or the certificate of formation of an association.

The official numbers… testify in themselves to the importance of the recent legislation brought by the political leadership of the Ministry of Justice and which from the beginning had a dual objective of transferring a large amount of litigation outside the courts, achieving on the one hand the release of judges from thousands of cases and on the other hand faster administration of justicewithout ignoring the increase in material for lawyers.

What do the numbers show?

Specifically, on a nationwide scale, 5,610 cases concerning the issuance of probates, consensual pre-notations and association recommendations were processed by lawyers in just one and a half months.

In Athens alone, based on the data of the Bar Association, within this same period of time, i.e. the month and a half, 2,679 pre-notifications of consent were made, 229 letters of inheritance were issued and 136 deeds related to unions were carried out.

Modeled on the successful arrangement for consensual divorces that were “removed” from the courts and are now settled by notaries, the Ministry of Justice followed the same logic in an effort, without jeopardizing the security of citizens’ transactions and without affecting the core of the administration of justice, to change the model of its administration.

The value and positive effects of the law are reflected – always in accordance with the “language” of numbers – in other Bar Associations of the country. Indicatively, in Piraeus the law offices received a total of 223 such cases in just a month and a half, in Thessaloniki 668 and in Patras 110.

Congestion of the courts

These numbers are expected to multiply in the next period of time, which practically means that judicial officials, who are freed from thousands of cases of a non-judicial nature, will be able to focus on the administration of justice and, in addition, in this way, the courts will be uncongested and there will be an acceleration in their work, which for decades, despite the many laws that have been passed in this direction, has remained an unsolved equation.

In order to realize the number of cases that can annually… leave the jurisdiction of the courts and be transferred to lawyers, it is enough to mention only two statistical data. Specifically, in the year 2023 alone, 12,000 eliminations of pre-notations were tried in the Athens Court of First Instance, while 6,424 affidavits were issued by the Athens Magistrate’s Court alone.

The transfer of thousands of cases to lawyers is estimated by Justice officials that it will stimulate in addition to the functioning of the courts and the legal profession.

In fact, there are also those voices who are in favor of greater transfer of cases. Always with the necessary security measures from the courts, with the argument that there are now many thousands of lawyers (they exceed 60,000 per territory) and their professional survival is difficult.

What the law provides for the transfer of judicial matter

Specifically, the law provides for a series of cases, such as acceptances and disclaimers of inheritance, the issuance of wills, registrations and consensual cancellations of mortgages, the establishment of associations, except for cultural ones, and also affidavits to be resolved not by judges, as was the case until some time ago, but by lawyers.

For affidavits and inheritance payments, in addition to lawyers, citizens will be able to turn to notaries for their resolution. It is estimated that there are thousands of cases in total that will be removed from the court dockets throughout Greece.

It is worth noting that with the provisions of the same law, all those obstacles have been foreseen for the security of citizens’ transactions. For example, in cases of disclaimer of inheritance, the relevant document drawn up by the lawyer will be presented to the competent clerk of the courts, will be entered in the relevant books and a copy will be filed with the Mortgage Registry or the Land Registry.

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