Home » today » News » Justice reform, agreement found in CDM: six years for the appeal of crimes to aggravating mafia. There is ok M5S, text approved unanimously

Justice reform, agreement found in CDM: six years for the appeal of crimes to aggravating mafia. There is ok M5S, text approved unanimously

After long hours of negotiation, the agreement reached by the majority on the government’s proposal to review the Cartabia reform on criminal trial. Successful the new mediation, after a first draft that had not convinced the Five Star Movement. For crimes involving the mafia aggravating circumstance it is foreseen transitional term of 6 years to conclude the appeal process, valid until 2024: from 2025 onwards it will drop to 5 years. While the processes for mafia-like association e vote of political-mafia exchange (416-bis and ter) may be extended “indefinitely”. The deal was voted on unanimously.

Conte: “It is not our reform, but we have improved it” – “It is not our reform but we have helped to improve it. We said that one cannot compromise on the Mafia and terrorism trials and we got it ”, commented the leader in pectore of the M5S Giuseppe Conte, which led the negotiations with the government from the beginning. To the question of the fattoquotidiano.it on possible defections in the Chamber he replies: “We are a big family, we will examine the text in detail and I am confident that in the general discussion we will be compact. These are improvements that honored all the victims of the mafia. And then, again, also for all the ordinary processes the possibility is foreseen that the judging judge can establish a further one one year extension due to the complexity of the process “. And a pebble is removed from the former Lega ally: “I must say that I am very sorry because there was one from the Lega very hard opposition“To the extension of time” for the trials for the mafia “. Words to which the Carroccio immediately replied: “The 5 Star Movement is in mourning for the overcoming of the Bonafede reform and invents falsehood, the League has demanded that mafia crimes, for sexual violence and drug trafficking did not go up in smoke (but he did it only when the deal was already a step away, ed)”.

The day – The Council of Ministers was therefore finally able to end. It was resumed around 5.30 pm after a suspension of nearly three hours. This morning, however, it started two hours late and without i ministers M5s, engaged from 10 in a river summit with Conte and the group leaders: Federico D’Incà, Fabiana Dadone, Luigi Di Maio and Stefano Patuanelli arrived at Palazzo Chigi only after 2 pm. mediation identified: from the terms of inadmissibility, for the Movement, they must be excluded also the trials on crimes aggravated by the article 416 to 1 of the Criminal Code, ie those who facilitate the activities of mafia-type associations or make use of the mafia method. Instead “in the draft agreement – explained 5 Star sources – these crimes remained out. This is not the case. The M5s no compromise on the mafia “.

Cartabia: “Now accelerate to approve it before the summer” – “It’s an important day: long reflections to arrive at unanimous approval with conviction by all political forces. Now there is the goal of to accelerate as much as possible to conclude this very important reform if possible before the summer break ”, commented the Minister of Justice Marta Cartabia at the exit from Palazzo Chigi after the Cdm. We have made some adjustments, as announced last week with Draghi, in light of the very lively debate which has been developed in recent weeks by both the political forces and the operators of the judicial offices, who will be the first to be called upon to face the great challenge of implementing such a significant and innovative reform in our country. The goal is to secure one swift justice, while respecting the reasonable length of the process, and at the same time ensuring that no process goes up in smoke“. The most important adjustment, he says, “is that of a transitional rule to arrive gradually to those terms that we set ourselves and remain fixed, but we will arrive at them gradually ”. Then there is “a special regime for those crimes that have always aroused social alarm in our country, i.e. mafia, terrorism, international drug trafficking that will have specific rules with possibility of extensions by the judge that they can be renewed to make sure we go through with it ”.

The transition to the Commission – Now the race against time starts to get the provision to the Chamber tomorrow, Friday 30 July. The Justice Commission was called for 8 pm tonight, with the commitment of the majority forces to withdraw all their amendments: but the call was canceled. We’ll talk about it again on Friday morning. President Mario Perantoni, after the afternoon bureau meeting, he had written a letter to the president Roberto I am, postponing to the conference of the group leaders – which met at 4.15 pm and after an hour was postponed to 7.15 pm – the decision “whether to confirm the scheduling of the reform for tomorrow in the face of the objective difficulties facing the Commission to start voting for amendments“, Since there was still no political agreement. The hypothesis that emerged from the group leader was to even convene the classroom Sunday for the examination of the text. “The arrival in the classroom on Sunday was requested by all the parliamentary groups, except the M5S, which asked for the discussion to be moved to next week, but we are firmly opposed to the fact that the commission does not deepen this text”, attacks the president of the deputies of FdI, Francesco Lollobrigida.

Di Battista: “Reform is always shit” – Conte analyzed the draft mediation all day, evaluating the changes proposed by Draghi and Cartabia with respect to the original text, the one approved by the Government on 8 July last. Draghi wants to bring him to the classroom on Friday and for this reason he also met the delegation of the four M5s ministers in the morning. The alternative, the smoking gun resting on the table from the day of the first approval, was to proceed with the original text and go to count on it, opening a probable crisis in the Movement. On Facebook, after the first mediation hypothesis, Alessandro Di Battista summarizes the state of the negotiation by writing that “if to 100 kg of shit 20 kg are taken off always 80 kg remain. And always shit is! “. “I believe – he argues – that the mechanism of non-compliance (with the excuse of long trials) was designed to save illustrious and flabby buttocks. And endorsing this crap despite being a little less filthy is a big mistake. A mistake that will make i happy Berlusconi and the countless “berluschini“Of Italy”.

The evolutions of yesterday – Conte went to Montecitorio today to meet (again) with his own parliamentarians and try to keep the rows together. Yesterday the agreement seemed a step away, with the League’s okay to the Movement’s main request – exclude the processes of mafia, terrorism and those for environmental crimes – provided that two flag categories are also included, the sexual violence and the drug trafficking. But late in the evening a statement issued by Conte to reporters had made us imagine new difficulties: “We work to ensure that the trials are held,” he said as he left the Senate. “As a Lega we asked to add the crimes of sexual violence and drug trafficking among the crimes on which to go through without the trials being able to end prematurely. I am doing mediation work, let’s try to close it by today“, he added Matteo Salvini in the morning to the reporters.

Forza Italia’s request: “guaranteed corrective measures” – This morning, however, yet another front had opened in the infernal negotiations. The national coordinator of Forza Italia was added to pull the rope from his side Antonio Tajani, who had asked in a telephone conversation with Prime Minister Draghi “Guaranteed corrective” to the text of the bill. A counterpoint to the rapid evolutions of the previous day, with the Carroccio queuing up within 24 hours to the requests of the 5 stars, and a way to clarify to Draghi that the Berlusconians they did not intend to “save” too many types of crime by the new rules. As reported today by the Courier serviceMoreover, the Forza Italia deputies in the Justice Commission and the calendiano Enrico Costa are also opposed to the grillino amendment – on which Cartabia is okay – which allows the trials for minor offenses to be held even on appeal. to one judge instead of three, with considerable savings in human resources.

Cafiero de Raho: “Optimistic about mafia crimes” – Last night Draghi had also heard from the Pd secretary Enrico Letta, who reiterated “the commitment of the Democratic Party to a more balanced and high-profile solution possible”. Translated, the dem votes will not fail in any case. The national anti-mafia prosecutor is also on Thursday Federico Cafiero de Raho, who had harshly criticized the reform at a hearing in the House even speaking of a “threat to the security of the country”, it was said “optimistic” for the exclusion of the trials for mafia and terrorism from those to be carried out within two years on appeal and one in the Supreme Court: “A change of this type is indispensable“, He explains,” there seems to be an acknowledgment of the importance of recognizing a different track for those processes “, which” cannot be guillotined for the passage of time. It seems that we are working on this, we would be on the path that we all share. We have expressed concern about the impossibility of proceeding: by intervening on the crimes of the mafia and terrorism we are going to correct what could perhaps have been system failure“.

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