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Justice / Portal / De Vnissieux New York

From Vnissieux New York

In 2019, young people under the control of justice ambassadors of peace

During the year 2019, seven young people taken care of by the juvenile justice Vnissieux (69) donned the costume of young ambassadors of peace. A project that took them from Paris New York, via Geneva. On December 5, their journey was presented to their families and their educators at the Lyon tribunal de grande instance.

On December 5, 2019, seven young people taken care of by the juvenile justice of the open environment educational unit (UEMO) of Vnissieux – were summoned to the Lyon high court, accompanied by their families and their educators. There is no question here of judging them but of rewarding them.

During the year 2019, these adolescents took on the role of “young ambassadors of peace”. A mission that made them participate in the commemorative ceremony of May 8, 1945 and discovered emblematic places such as the Minister of Foreign Affairs, the United States Embassy and the Carnavalet Museum during a stay in Paris in April 2019. They also went to Geneva, to the international museum of the Red Cross and then finished their trip to New York in October. UN Headquarters, Ground Zero Memorial, Ellis Island Immigration Muse, Statue of Liberty, etc. : emblematic places.

“Talking about peace means being able to talk about heavy subjects: of war, sometimes even of terrorism, concepts that we often prefer to consider as far removed from our daily life. It is also to talk about our emotions, our history. sharing, the duty of memory, citizenship, democracy, even diplomacy. to learn to know others, to know oneself, to be part of a group, of a society. It is daring to imagine the society of tomorrow, get involved and question its environment, “said Marianne Roux, director of the territorial educational service of open environment (STEMO) Lyon Sud.

“I was able to realize the perpetual search for peace throughout the world “

A rich program, accompanied from start to finish by the professionals of their educational unit, within the framework of workshops on the various subjects covered. On December 5, the investment of adolescents was therefore awarded with a diploma of peace ambassador, presented by Attar Bayrou, former peacekeeper, now a member of the International Association of Peacekeepers.

“A very enriching experience”, “which allowed us to get out of our daily life, our environment, to discover an elsewhere”, “which allowed me to take an interest in subjects that I did not know. I was able to realize the importance of the perpetual search for peace throughout the world. I visualized the strength of a group to overcome difficulties, ”said the participants in turn.

The emotion was also palpable in their parents. “I accompanied my son through the duration of the project. He was a child at the start and now he’s a man. I’m proud of you!” Said a mother her son.

A big step towards social, even professional, integration for these ambassadors of peace.

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