Home » today » News » Justice orders the burial of the bodies of the 24 migrants from the rescue boat near El Hierro | Radio Club Tenerife | Hour 25 Canary Islands

Justice orders the burial of the bodies of the 24 migrants from the rescue boat near El Hierro | Radio Club Tenerife | Hour 25 Canary Islands

The magistrate in front of the Court of Instruction Number 2 of Arona (Tenerife), Sofía Elena Valdivia López, has ordered this Wednesday the immediate burial of the 24 corpses that remained in the Institute of legal medicine from the province of Santa Cruz of Tenerife and that they corresponded to the people who were traveling in the boat that was sighted on April 26 500 kilometers from the island of The iron.

Thus, the judicial authority has issued the order burial of the corpses after receiving the report of the Canary Islands delegation National Institute of Toxicology, at its headquarters in La Laguna, which determines that “It is not possible to affirm without any doubt that one of the corpses corresponds to the brother of a man who last week contacted the Court to claim him as such a relative from the Basque Country, “as reported by the Superior Court of Justice of the Canary Islands (TSJC).

In this sense, it is stated that the applicant appeared on Friday of last week at the judicial headquarters in Euskadi to undergo an extraction of DNA samples and check it against genetic traces that have been extracted from the 24 bodies.

After the collation, Toxicology has certified this Wednesday, May 19, formally before the judicial authority that when the claimant is a person who, according to his own statement, would only be a brother on the part of the mother, and not the father, of the deceased, “the relationship with any of the deceased cannot be assured with certainty by means of forensic medicine tests“.

For this reason, he clarifies that “there is no legal reserve” for the judicial authority to issue the order for the burial of the 24 bodies.

This decision, he points out, had been postponed to preserve the rights of the possible relatives of the deceased to claim them. Anyway, indicates that the judicial decision does not close the way for the person who claimed the body of his possible brother to be able to claim it in the future if you find new ways to prove the alleged link.

For this, he will be referred to the Spanish Red Cross in order to serve as a link between his family and the Institute of Legal Medicine and Forensic Sciences by virtue of the agreement signed between that organization and the Ministry of Justice dated April 28, 2021, in case new checks should be made.

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