Ray Fisher made in Justice League debuting in the DC Extended Universe as renowned superhero Cyborg. The actor has been very critical in recent months of the intensive reshoots for that film, which took place under the direction of Joss Whedon (The Avengers). According to Fisher, he had to re-record almost the entire film.
Fisher claims that practically every scene in the feature film in which he appears is a scene shot during the reshoots led by Whedon. Just one scene wouldn’t have been new.
“I can hardly say this about the scenes of others where I was not seen, but what I can tell you about my character is that – except for the scene with police chief Gordon on the roof – all my scenes have been re-shot.Fisher said in a recent interview with Geek Show House. “So I had to re-record almost the entire movie“.
We already knew that many of Fisher’s original scenes ended up in the editing room’s trash. Zack Snyder previously confirmed that Cyborg should have become one of the main characters of the film, but his role in the final theatrical release made little difference. Snyder has promised to restore these scenes, some of which we’ve already seen in the trailers, for his highly anticipated #SnyderCut.