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Justice. He violates his pregnant mistress: 12 months in prison

Arrived in France 6 months ago, the defendant from Spain came to work for a Luxembourg company as a formworker. Certainly a way to go green. Because the 30-year-old guy has a judicial past in his native country: swindling, drugs, violence and sexual abuse. Crimes which have motivated the justice of the Iberian Peninsula to launch two international search warrants. His companion remained in Spain. He now resides temporarily in Hayange, in an apartment made available by his employer.

“Lose the baby”

On the night of October 17-18, the police, called in to an argument, intervened in front of a bar in the city. Three people are alcoholic. To disentangle the true from the false in the testimonies, a very useful weapon: the video surveillance. There is no sound, of course. However, the images reveal a scene where a man drags a woman about ten meters. Woman who, as we will learn at the hearing, takes on the role of mistress, 7 weeks pregnant, and who that evening consumed alcohol and took cocaine, “to lose the baby”.

The couple leads a tumultuous life, in the shadows, marked by stormy episodes. A handrail later, she was left with bruises, sores and mouth injuries, leading the doctor who examined her to give her 3 days of ITT.

“Comedian talent”

This Thursday, the thirty-something appeared before the Thionville criminal court, assisted by a translator and her lawyer. He swears it: he never threatened with death the one who bears his child. And yes, he wanted to remove her in his own way of harmful, drugged acquaintances, using force towards her.

“Today, he wants to return to Spain and not see anyone”, summarizes the interpreter. A little too easy for the taste of the public prosecutor, “amazed by the talent of actor of Monsieur”. And to demand firm prison. 16 months.

The quantum will be assessed differently by the president and her assessors: namely 12 months in prison, with continued detention. Once his sentence has been served, Moreno Sanchez will be banned from staying in Moselle for 3 years. He is deprived of his civil rights for 5 years and must not come into contact with the victim over a period of 3 years.

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