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Justice. Four months closed for the tobacconist’s burglars

It is the story of ordinary petty crime that once again occupied the magistrates of the correctional system, this Monday in Thionville. The court tried two Romanian nationals aged 23, arrested in flagrante delicto by a police patrol after raiding the stock of the tobacconist in Marspich last week.

The burglars had at their disposal a break-in kit after all basic (screwdriver, crowbar) but sufficient to force the iron curtain of the store. Inside, they were mainly interested in cigarette cartons and scratch games, which can easily be sold on the parallel market.

Caught in the act

The friends did not have time to go far before being caught by the police. The latter actually challenged them as they tried to make themselves very small, hood still on the head, in the seat of their car parked near the tobacco. During the search, the police also found a stolen credit card on board the vehicle. The two young men come from the same region of Romania and have been traveling the French regions for over a year. Facing their judges, they swore hand on heart that they would not be taken back. A mea culpa that will not save them each 4 months in prison with continued detention as well as 5 years of ban from French territory.

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