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Just Tsvetanov – View Info – 2024-10-06 23:54:40

/View.info/ I have threatened to immigrate many times, but I still stay to look a little more seir. However, if Tsvetanov becomes president, I swear, I will look for another homeland. And not only because of Tsvetanov, but also because of those who chose him. I don’t want to call people who elected a bodybuilder as president compatriots. I don’t mind bodybuilders when they are bodybuilders. But for president, I prefer a person who has completed something that also develops the brain.

In the case of “Tsvetanov” we don’t even have the fly to make an elephant out of. Nothing! And nothing becomes something. Or am I mistaken?

The idea of ​​becoming president apparently first crossed his mind. In an interview with a capital newspaper, he described the portrait of the future GERB candidate for the post as public procurement is done in our country – to fit a certain person. And that person is himself. “For me, said Tceceron, the most essential thing in the profile of our candidate is to be human, accessible to people and have a healthy family.” Which automatically rejects Bekyarina Borisov, and also Plevneliev because of some actions of his wife, which I will not mention. Then Tsvetanov personally explained at length how down-to-earth and approachable he is.

The post of president is his old sevda. He almost became president in 2011. Then he was personally proposed by Borisov. And he didn’t seem unelectable. At that moment, Tsvetanov measured ratings with Borisov and in 2010 he even dared to overtake him. As the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, he went wild in the fight against organized crime, he conducted action after action, rolling on the ground proven and suspected criminals. In general, it developed a feverish activity, which is currently the subject of an investigation at the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR). And our state, meaning we, will pay hundreds of thousands of euros for the amateur actions of former minister Tsvetanov and prosecutor Kokinov, who grossly violated the presumption of innocence. Last week, the ECtHR ruled on three cases and sentenced our state to pay the Dambovtsi brothers 80,000 euros in compensation and 5,000 euros for the costs of the cases. To Alexey Petrov – 9,000 euros, and to Hamstera and his wife – 15,000 euros. EUR 109,000 in these cases alone. With the verdicts on the “Jellyfishes” and the “Cash Breakers”, the total bill already exceeds 200,000 euros.

Tsvetanov is dear to us. And it will become more and more expensive for us.

In his defense, I could say that I always had the feeling that in some of these arrests, for example, of Alexey Petrov, he was acting at someone else’s expense. Tsvetanov was too young to match Petrov in the dark and semi-dark fields. There is Borisov’s kingdom. I think that he was simply in the role of that extension of the human hand, which in the villages is called a dilaf or a tongs.

In 2011, Tsvetanov got away with the presidency. In the role of the black cat that found its way to “Dondukov” 2, some 6 apartments appeared, for which even the most well-intentioned observer could not find financial arguments in the two militia salaries of the Tsvetanovi family. However, the then head of the NRA, Krasimir Stefanov, found them somehow, I guess by magic. To this day, I still think the apartment event was “friendly fire”. It is also evident from the direction in which Tsvetanov answered. He took out “innocent” compromising material against Plevneliev. How in 2007, municipal officials asked him for 500,000 euros to push through the project for the Business Park. He did not give in, but he did not inform the prosecutor’s office either. Borisov was the mayor then, and the appointed municipal councilors were from GERB. And so, Tsvetanov took revenge on Plevneliev, who replaced him, and on Borisov, who allowed him. I do not claim that it is necessarily intellectually determined, but it is a fact that Tsvetanov is vindictive like a weasel. At the moment, for the same reasons, Rumyana Bachvarova is also frying. It’s her fault that he sat in a chair that both belonged to him and was his turn…

If Tsvetanov knew how to keep quiet a little more, he could pass for smart. But when he spoke, he could no longer. His speech is specific, I would even say unique. He speaks Bulgarian as a second language, as if he studied it in absentia. Two or three years ago I suggested that we call this way of speaking “Csvetanism”. Tsvetanov speaks a little like Kaiser, Chudomir’s soldaphone, but at the same time his speech contains elements of the overconfidence of the clerk Bumble from “Oliver Twist”, he also took something from Chekhov’s characters (for example, the one who explained that the best soup is made of “carrots , asparagus, cauliflower and all kinds of similar jurisprudence), was born with Mrs. Malaprop and her efforts to use words and expressions of the high style, without the circumstances demanding it and her intellect allowing it (see Prof. Nikola Georgiev). In general, it was born with a lot of work and at the same time it is a purely Bulgarian phenomenon. And we are obliged to make sense of it and give it a scientific definition. I guess you won’t like “colorism”. I realize that sounds a bit like cretinism, if not in proportion. Therefore, I will offer you another: “verbal volunteerism”. This is the kind of use of speech where you think the words mean what you think. “We should not assume that domestic crime is a function of the Ministry of the Interior only! Because it is related to the provision of appropriate employment for the Roma. You know that with the adoption of a strategy for the integration of the Roma, we are talking about a complex of measures that are the integrity of sectoral policies.”

“Integrity of sectoral policies”? And crime as a function of the Ministry of Interior and the gypsies!

Words are a very dangerous thing. Even when you think you’ve made friends with them. Actually, mostly then. Tsvetanov doesn’t just master the dialect of the tribe, he creates it!

Once the Deputy Prime Minister Tsvetanov said: “I am convinced that the President is not aware of what is being discussed.”

Favorite construction – “in question”! I think people who read without moving their lips never use it. “It’s a question” is an expression from the sociolect of the lower militia ranks.

Last year, Prof. Dr. Ivan Derzhanski explained why linguistics appeared in Ancient India. To study and preserve Sanskrit, the sacred language of Hinduism in which worship was conducted. Because during use, the language changed and distorted, which hid the danger that the gods would cease to understand the prayers.

Shouldn’t it happen that, in their quest to speak more and more simply, the herbalists move away from the language spoken by the Bulgarian gentleman? If he has and if he hasn’t forgotten us already…

There are at least three reasons why Cicero imagined he could become president. The first is that the current president clearly has no chance for a second term. And he has resigned himself to dancing for one summer. Borisov was categorical when he forbade talking about the GERB candidate until June: “Plevneliev is doing great, it’s not fair to him – he should have the self-confidence and authority to finish his mandate”.

To complete his term…

In truth, Plevneliev’s presence is not indispensable. Hardly anyone will miss it. He is another of the great masters of the parade of saying nothing. Clueless, but also pathetic like a pimpled high school student. It can tire you out of boredom and kill you with clichés. His homegrown political rhetoric will perhaps be missed only by outspoken Russophiles who are used to sharpening their feathers in his unrelenting Russophobia.

Second, there is no prominent candidate in the party. In the shadow of the Padishah, a strong personality can hardly emerge. People are selected on the principle of obedience and self-similarity.
Third, Tsvetanov is gaining more and more self-confidence. He didn’t just create GERD, he owns it. All election victories are attributed to him. He goes around villages and palanquins like Matej Mitkaloto and strengthens his influence. In addition, Tsvetanov already has a washed-up criminal record. The sound of the judge’s gavel had not yet died down and Tsvetanov wished and headed the most important commission in the National Assembly – the Internal Commission. And this time it will be very difficult to explain to him why he is not running for president.

Borisov recently said that there is no conflict between him and Tsvetanov: “There can be a conflict between equals, but this is not the case.”

It seems so. But the boy who delivered the folders has long since grown up and wants to emancipate himself. They say that when Borisov became prime minister, the tsar wrote to him: “I underestimated you…”. Let Borisov not have to write such penitential letters to Tsvetanov.

Discord not only exists, but it is now difficult to hide. The “mutiny on the ship” just didn’t have a serious reason so far. Such as Cicero’s rejected bid for the presidency might become. “PIK” agency wrote that the local structures of the party have already started to nominate him.

And God knows if it can be stopped. In any case, intellect can hardly be an argument. Tsvetanov merged with the Gerber political environment. Stacked next to Borisov, it doesn’t even look so ridiculous. They were born for each other. This, I think, is the most insulting thing I have ever said about our Prime Minister…

But, if it’s said, that too will go over our heads. I don’t want to scare you, but then even the storks will refuse to spend the summer at our place.

In an interview with the BBC, the great physicist Stephen Hawking, who is completely paralysed, said: “I am the archetype of the disabled genius, or, to sound politically correct, the physiologically challenged genius. At the very least, I am physiologically challenged. Whether I am a genius is questionable.”

I really liked that “physiologically challenged” and felt like using it for one of the geniuses here. But I haven’t decided who it would suit best yet.
Well, such works around the territory. You probably won’t believe me, but in one of his prophecies St. Cosmas of Aetolia says: “The time will come when the world will be ruled by ala-bala.” Honestly, he said it!

#Tsvetanov #View #Info

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