What the company criticizes is that after the incident, Sia Bentley refuse to blow alcohol Maj. Gen. Suwitcha Jindakham, commander of the Central Traffic Police (Corporate Traffic Police), then ordered the establishment of an examination committee at the Expressway Police Station 1 on the issue of non-immediate measurement of alcohol.
However, Maj-Gen Jirasan Kaewsaengek, Deputy Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police in charge of traffic work as spokesperson for the National Police Service, announced on 9 January that Bentley’s blood was drawn during the period. am, while the emergency responder present at the event stated that at that time Bentley still sitting in the car AND before going to check at the police hospital between 4:00 and 5:00, which is considered an information discrepancy
Thairath Online news team inquired about the method of measuring alcohol by drawing blood and blowing whether there are different results or not. and how the passage of time affects the driver Dr. Thanapong Jinwong or Dr. Chin, director of the Academic Road Safety Center (NAWP) let’s say alcohol dryer and venipuncture test will give the same data value if both instruments are “calibrated” because both instruments are considered standard measurements.
Puff: A measure of alcohol through the breath.
Blood test: can measure alcohol. with equal effect
“The advantage of the dryer is that it can be used immediately. compared to blood sampling because it must be done in a hospital that immediately verified is correlated accurately, with each passing hour The body will metabolize alcohol. According to a study of data from Siriraj Hospital, it was found that with each passing hour our bodies will have reduced the alcohol content by 15 milligrams per cent. Assuming that if we delay measuring alcohol by 3 hours, the missing alcohol will be approximately 45 milligram percent.
Dr Thanaphong said what happened We have no examples yet. Which uses the opinion of experts in the case of “drunk driving” being able to provide medical opinions that “drunk driving” because there was a delay with the blood collection, which in this case, investigators and prosecutors should proceed to lawsuit that in court should invite medical professionals or toxicology can provide more information

“This is an issue that society is suspicious of, so police should issue a requirement that they let the driver of the car blow at the scene. because the standard meter with blood draw get the same results”.
Ms. VorPortor said it makes people suspicious It’s not good for the police. And the most worrying thing is that she will become a role model for others in society. when so People won’t blow, saying “I have chest pain… I can’t blow” in the future, it will become difficult to enforce the law.
Weight Alcohol Test Results in Lawsuits More Than a Dryer? is it true or not? Because the dryer has already been “calibrated” to be as effective as the drill…
Medically, how much pain does it have to be? therefore unable to blow air Dr. Thanaphong said that basically, if it can’t be blown only when … unconscious or a dryer that requires a large amount of air force, that now most of the dryers have almost improved the measurement sensor. Blow softly or just talk and start measuring.
Therefore, the chances of being in a non-inflatable situation are called “very small” and vice versa. If he can’t blow or chest pain with broken ribs hurts to breathe or lesions in the oral area, such as a broken jaw If you meet a person suffering from these symptoms he should be hospitalized It is not a symptom that you can sit and chew gum. or telephone. If sent to the hospital, blood can be drawn immediately.

Chewing gum, drinking lots of water, can help reduce blood alcohol?Dr. Thanaphong answered clearly that it was not directly related. But the metabolism in the body over time is separated because the “liver” of people will work under the conditions of the passage of time. The directly affecting factor is the “time clause” because alcohol is in the blood.
“This should be taken as a lesson. and set as the standard in litigation In the event of an accident involving alcoholic drinks, multiple people are injured or killed, the police must have a “duty” to check for alcohol immediately! Everyone! Not leaving it to the “discretion” of the investigator who must first wait to smell it which is considered unreasonable Important, in this case The parties have the right to sue the officer on a Section 157 charge of negligence in the exercise of their duties functions,” said Dr. Thanaphong.
Reports from Thai Rath’s online news team
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