Home » today » Business » Just before Christmas, the Dutch paid by card more often than ever | Economy

Just before Christmas, the Dutch paid by card more often than ever | Economy

In the run-up to Christmas, the Dutch paid more often than ever with a card before Christmas. Saturday was also crowded in the shopping streets, which means that the daily record could still be surpassed.

The Payments Association of the Netherlands counted more than 22 million debit and credit card payments at Dutch retail checkouts on Friday, worth around €740 million. Payments with smartphones and smartwatches are also included.

Significantly more than on the previous record day in 2019, when around 21 million card transactions were processed on Saturday 21 December for a total amount of around €675 million.

“In previous years, the daily record always fell on the last Saturday before Christmas. So perhaps yesterday’s record will be surpassed today,” says a spokesman. It was actually busy all week in the shopping streets.

Since last Saturday more than 3.5 billion euros have been spent with a card in the Netherlands. Almost 1 billion euros more than in a normal week. There’s also a lot of spending online, but not as much as earlier this year during the Black Friday bargain festival.

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