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Just a little more: this week still sweltering, sometimes even 36 degrees

After a shaky start to spring, the Netherlands has been dealing with clear blue skies and bright sunbeams for days now. And according to meteorologist Marc de Jong of Buienradar, we are still not over that.

But before the highest temperature of recent months is reached, today we are talking about modest heat with a temperature of between 25 and 29 degrees. “And tonight and tonight there will be some clouds over the country. It is a very weak disturbance, so there will be no rain, but some cooler air.” Tomorrow the temperatures will drop slightly and it will be between 23 and 27 degrees.

‘Very warm air’

But after that, a new high pressure area will come towards the Netherlands. “And that includes very warm air. Wednesday it will be a very sunny day, with about 30 degrees in the south.”

And that’s just the prelude to an even warmer day, because the thermometers will really peak on Thursday. “Then we are really talking about a depressed day. In De Bilt it will be about 32 degrees, but in the east of the country the mercury can rise to about 36 degrees.”

Are we getting a bad summer because of all these sunny days?

Sun, sun and more sun. We’ve been dealing with that for the past few weeks. But does this automatically mean that we will have a wet and cold summer, because the sun already shines so often?

“To be honest, there is no sensible word to say about that,” says meteorologist Marc de Jong of Buienradar. “We can look ahead about five days with reasonable certainty. Indicatively, we can look up to two weeks ahead, but the weather maps don’t go further than that. Some weather bureaus sometimes give summer forecasts, but that actually makes no sense. You can now just don’t know yet.”

Yet De Jong does not think that the sunny days are almost over. “In the Netherlands you have two different types of weather in the summer: dry and warm, or cool and wet weather. Almost every summer in the Netherlands has one or more periods of this type of weather.”

There is therefore a good chance that after this sunny period, we will have a period of wet and changeable weather. But there is also a very good chance that we will have dry and sunny weather again afterwards, says De Jong. “Yes, it sometimes happens that there is only one period of drought and sun. If that is this year, then we have already had it. But we just don’t know, and I don’t really assume that.”

The day will end on Thursday with lots of rain and thunderstorms, causing temperatures to drop considerably and the risk of flooded streets. “We will also suffer from heavy showers on Friday. And because there is also very little wind, it is possible that the shower will linger in one place for a long time.”

Goodbye to clear blue skies

The temperature will remain at around 25 degrees on Friday and there will also be a few rain and thunderstorms on Saturday morning. With that we also say goodbye to the clear blue skies and the light becomes changeable again. “From then on, there is a chance of a shower every day, so we have to enjoy the sun for a while.”

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