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Jurmala Music Festival 2022: Pianist Vestards Shimkus, Tenor Alexander Antonenko, Cellist Matthew Barley, and More!

Pianist Vestards Shimkus, main artist of the festival, tenor Alexander Antonenko, cellist Matthew Barley, three Osokini pianists, accordionist Ksenia Sidorova, three orchestras will perform. The special guests will be the stars of Broadway musicals from London. Operas by Sigmars Liepiņš will be performed Notre Dame premiere of the concert performance, as well as the summer concert Born in Latvia.

Also this time, the festival will be opened by the sunrise concert of Iveta Apkalnas, principal organist of the Elba Philharmonic, on July 16 at 4.45 on Dzintari beach. The music of Johann Sebastian Bach, Pēter Vaskas, Aivars Kalējs and the American minimalist Philip Glass will be played. To this free concert at At 3.45 a specially assigned train will depart from the Riga Central Railway Station in the direction of Jurmala, the station’s entrance to tunnel A will be open from 3.15.

The festival’s innovation is a night concert – a meditation on Ludwig van Beethoven’s five sonatas for cello and piano, which will be held on July 15 at 22.00 Pianist Reinis Zariņš and British cellist Matthew Barley will perform in the Dzintara Small Concert Hall.

At the opening concert of the festival on July 16, pianist Vestards Šimkus, the Latvian National Symphony Orchestra and the first conductor of the Mannheim Opera Jānis Liepiņš will perform. In the program – Kamila Sensāns Third Organ Symphony and dance of death Leonard Bernstein’s Operettas Candide overture and George Gershwin Piano concerto.

The iconic operas of Sigmars Liepins Notre Dame in the new production on July 17 and 18, directed by Dita Lūriņas-Egliens and under the musical direction of Mārtiņš Ozoliņas, the main roles will be Ilze Grēvele-Skaraine, Don, Edgars Ošleja, Ieva Parša, Rihards Miller. On July 19, accordion diva Ksenia Sidorova will play the works of contemporary composers Dobrinka Tabakova, Fazil Say and the famous Argentinian bandoneonist Juan Pablo Hofres with the Liepaja Symphony Orchestra under the direction of Gunta Kuzma. In terms of the orchestra – Antonin Dvořák’s Eighth Symphony.

At the concert Born in Latvia, which will be conducted by Ainārs Rubiķis on July 20, our stars will meet young talents. At the concert of the Osokin dynasty of pianists – father Sergej Osokin and his sons Andrei and Georgy – on July 21, alongside the music of Bach, Schumann, Sibelius, Rachmaninov and Ravel, a cycle made up of parts of the piano concertos of the Viennese classics Haydn, Mozart and Beethoven will be played. On July 22, British West End actors and conductor Robert Purvis will return to Dzintari with a golden selection of Broadway musicals. At the end of the festival, Aleksandrs Antonenko, Inga Kalna, Dorotija Bīnerte and Jānis Apeinis will perform at the concert on July 23.

2023-07-15 12:14:10
#sunrise #production #opera #Ten #musical #adventures #Jūrmala #festival #Dzintaros

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