Writer Juris Zvirgzdiņš’s collection of stories “Have a nice day! Almost a Love Story ”production in two parts, directed by Laura Groza.

Dainis Grūbe, Maija Doveika, Kaspars Dumburs and Juris Bartkevičs act in the roles of the production. The sound director is Kristīne Zolotorenko, the editor is Dzintra Matuzāle and the producer is Māra Eglīte.

Laura Groza, radio reading director:

“I have called Juris Zvirgzdiņš’s collection of stories” Have a nice day “an experience for young people, meaning really all young people. Also, I really hope that these stories can be very appealing to young people’s young parents, because they embody so many recognizable situations and emotions. true revelations about true friendship, the first initiation rituals in adult life, and over and over again.When we brought these actors to life, we all started to smile twice as much and be three times less serious. these and similar experiences from their own lives, but are happy to remember them and want to linger in them. z stiffer and therefore more boring. By that I mean that this collection of stories will be able to delight not only children and young people, but all those who think fresh. Plus – the stories are very, very cute and warm no worse than this summer’s steam – just emotionally. Happy listening to everyone who wants to join! ”

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