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Jürgen Klopp writes an emotional letter for Liverpool fans and citizens | Premier League | Latest news today | Premier League

Jürgen Klopp continues to show his sensitivity, commitment and love for Liverpool. The German coach, who achieved the first Premier League title for the Reds and broke a 30-year drought without being champion, is a lover of the principles and history of his team, and also a lover of the city as such. . That is why he dared to write an open letter to everyone in Liverpool.

He not only addressed the fans of his team, he also remembered the people of Everton, the eternal rival of the city, and the citizens themselves, talking about the importance of their people and their solidarity. Without a doubt, a letter that makes your hair stand on end.

“This is an amazing time for the amazing fans of an amazing club in an amazing city. For some of you, it is the end of a long wait for Liverpool to be champion, but whether you have been waiting for 30 years or 30 minutes, I hope you are enjoying this moment as much as you deserve, ”Klopp opened his letter at the local newspaper ‘Echo’.

The German said it is a “privilege” to be the coach of the red team and that he knew he had come to a special place since he took office five years ago, “but it is only when you meet the people who feel the heartbeat of the city and then you realize how special it is. ”

“This does not only apply to Liverpool fans. Obviously I’m biased because Liverpool is my club, but I’m not so biased that I can’t see that Everton fans are the flip side of the same coin and that the rivalry that exists is very important to the city’s identity. I know this is not his favorite moment and if the roles were reversed it would not be our favorite moment either, but at Carlo Ancelotti Everton has a great manager and a great person and I have no doubt in his mind that his improvement since he came alone to be continue. Everton is a great rival in every way. I don’t need anyone to remind me of this, ”said Klopp, remembering the patio rival.

He also celebrated overcoming the remaining 19 clubs in the Premier League and declared his respect for them, because together they make English football very competitive so that “people around the world are captivated by him.”

Despite the great difference his team made in the standings over his followers, Klopp insisted that it was not an easy title to achieve, but the charisma and mystique of his group was relevant. “All the tributes they have received are so deserved and, as their coach, they could not be more proud.”

In addition, he mentioned and thanked two idols of the club: Sir Kenny Dalglish and Steven Gerrad, assuring that they deserve this title and represent dozens of former soccer players and coaches who have put their two cents in the history of the ‘reds’.

He even thanked the owners of the club, ‘Fenway Sports Group’. “In modern soccer, you must have a vision, a strategy, and an unwavering commitment to the cause to have any chance of being successful. On all three fronts, they have shown me that they are leaders in the field. My appreciation for them is absolute ”, he commented.

His love for the fans and the request for health

Klopp left a section for fans. “We have the best supporters any club could wish for and their part in building the club, inspiring and pushing it to be its best. It is so important that without it, nothing we have achieved would be possible, ”he wrote. He added: “I love his passion, his songs, his refusal to accept defeat, his commitment, his understanding of the game and his faith in what we are doing.”

However, he assured that he did not like to see people on the streets last Friday celebrating the title in crowds. He asked for solidarity with the people and with those who work in the health field, avoiding as much as possible the spread of the coronavirus.

“If things were different, I would like nothing more than to celebrate together, to have a parade that would be even bigger than the one we won the Champions League last year, so that we can all share this special moment, but it just isn’t possible. . We have all done a lot to fight covid-19 and this effort cannot be wasted. We owe it to ourselves and to others to do the right thing and at this moment that means being together and being together for each other by being apart. When the time is right, we will celebrate. We will enjoy this moment and paint the city in red. But for now, stay home as much as possible. This is not the time to be in the city center in large numbers or to get close to the soccer fields. At the beginning of this crisis, I said that we didn’t want to play in an empty stadium, but if that meant that it only helped one person stay healthy, we would do it without questions and nothing has changed to make me change this opinion, “said Klopp.

“This is our moment. It is a special moment in all our lives and you are the ones who have made it possible. Each of you is a champion in your own right and we cannot wait until we have a chance to celebrate what you have accomplished.

You will never Walk alone

Jürgen ”, was the end of the emotional letter from the coach, champion, of Liverpool.

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