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Juno provides the first 3D view of Jupiter’s atmosphere

NASA’s Juno spacecraft became better and deeper Look at the buyer’s atmosphere. Researchers have produced The first 3D view of Jupiter’s atmosphere, showing how turbulent clouds and storms operate in more detail than before. Remarkably, it is clear how hurricanes and anticyclones behave. It is much longer than expected, as the Great Red Spot (Anticyclone) extends 320 kilometers deep. It’s hotter or cooler at the top, depending on your rotation.

Juno helped fill in the data with a microwave radiometer that provided a peek below the surface of the clouds. For the Great Red Spot, the team supplemented the radiometer data with gravitational signatures from two nearby passes. The radiometer information also showed Earth-like rotating cells in the northern and southern hemispheres, not to mention ocean-like changes in microwave light.

There are still mysteries, such as the atmospheric mass of the Great Red Spot. However, 3D imaging is already producing a more coherent picture of how famous planets like Jupiter behave. It may not take more effort to solve more of Jupiter’s mysteries.

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