Home » today » Entertainment » Jungle Rhythms – View Info – 2024-09-24 04:54:15

Jungle Rhythms – View Info – 2024-09-24 04:54:15

/View.info/ About music, electronic media and young people…

Music and young people, a really sick topic, forgotten by most institutions and media in our country. And it turned out to be directly related to this rapid and continuous process of the “simplification of the nation”, which began immediately after the turning point in 1989. Because until then we had the reputation of a cultural, educated country, in which the aesthetic education of young people was given separate , serious concerns.
For the little ones there was a “Peace Flag” –

children’s creativity program

at the same time internationally recognized, apart from him, the “Bulgarian Musical Youth” movement on the model of “Jeunesses musicales” from Paris. And the most valuable – we had: youth symphony orchestras, youth brass bands, children’s and high school choirs, children’s operettas and many other ensembles. Serious educational programs at the school, municipality, district level. Music institutes – operas, orchestras, ensembles, were obliged to work on special programs with young listeners and spectators even in small towns. There were popular music lectures with many and well prepared and dedicated lecturers. The music teachers regularly took their students to opera and concerts. Publishing house “Music”, MES and “Balkanton” even published special literature and records for them. And what happened just a few years later? Complete liquidation! Total estradization, chalgization and ultimately – “simplification”. “Phenomena” were born, such as: “Planeta” TV, Slavi’s Show, Azis and Gloria, Krisko and Vanko 1, “Rock Interval”, Radio “Veronika”… Even the big radio stations became popular and some of them have become similar rather on

“jukeboxes” from roadside bars and motels

Yes, the fault of some electronic media here is huge. For most of them, art music is “taboo” or at best a rare, occasional guest. As in Radio-1, which at every hour of the day transmits 55 minutes of music from the low genres and 5 minutes of classics! A truly “original” idea! And our state radio, which should set an example, educate and educate, still does not have an air channel for classical music, as even the Asian and Latin American state radio stations have. At the same time, it is supported by our taxes, its listeners, who need real culture. There is not a single musical-educational program in it. And the first program is just a jukebox – news and gossip. Radoy Ralin had written an exact epigram for BNR:
“They interrupted the concert in E flat and announced:
in Barcelona, ​​our team scored a goal!”
Yes, “all evil for good”! It’s good that there was this scandal with “Muzikautor”, so the BNR thought to reduce the “tupalki” a little and play some classics. And I hope it’s not temporary! But this “cultural program” “Hristo Botev” is still in debt to its listeners. There are few programs for our composers, conductors, singers, music and opera theaters, for our symphony orchestras. Foreign performers sound more, and cultural programs are garnished with pop and ethnic music, which creates

contrast between word and sound

But perhaps even more serious is the fault of BNT. There is almost no room for great music there. Years ago there was a regular “opera day” – Wednesday, in addition to symphonic – more serious and more popular programs, there was also a television theater and a studio or art cinema. Now, many of the adult viewers are unhappy that these shows are gone, and the young people are mainly brought up with the low genres. It is not known why such a harmful program as “Rock Intervals” was started, instead of an educational one that would educate in good taste, ennoble through Mozart and Chopin, Verdi and Tchaikovsky. Because most young people, even from elite schools and universities, are already far from true values, some of them – with coarsened senses and a low culture of behavior.
It is very dangerous that young people now listen to this “music” with excessively loud decibels, which gradually leads to a deterioration of hearing, kills nerve cells, affects the senses, health, intellect. The use of headphones also causes great harm. But this is a topic that we need to talk about separately. The bad thing is that young people have moved away from true values ​​in culture and art, especially in music. They no longer know who is Beethoven and who is Puccini. For them

opera is a funny thing

they grow in an ugly, scratchy, aggressive sound environment. Yes, their senses grow coarse, and this is dangerous for their soul as well. The world of Mozart, Rossini and Vivaldi should be discovered for them at an early age, they should be ennobled, educated with good literature and music. Here, the role of the family, parents, teachers and educators from kindergarten and primary school is important and decisive. Unfortunately, I have entered kindergartens more than once, where the teachers, instead of children’s songs, folklore and light classics, play a loud disco with inappropriate, to use another word, lyrics. And outside the sound environment towards them is even more aggressive – in the store, on the tram, everywhere… Rap ​​music is especially harmful and simplistic, if we can use this holy word “music” here at all. The shouts and jumps, the cynical lyrics and movements of the black punks from Harlem, unfortunately and to our shame, invaded our country, even entered the national media. Even “rap stars” such as Vanko-1 and Crisco appeared, widely featured and advertised in the media. And the defeats are already there: our children also grow up uncultured, rude, aggressive, without respect for elders, speak badly, dress carelessly badly, imitate in everything their “idols”. We can already meet on the street a few girls who fight with boys, curse, speak cynicism and even swear and move listening to these ugly rhythms.
Another rather serious problem is the crippled humanitarian, aesthetic and, in particular, musical education in today’s Bulgarian schools.

plagued by a series of ridiculous reforms

among which the absurd “delegated budgets” that ruined our wonderful operas and philharmonics. Singing and music lessons were drastically reduced, to a minimum – only 1 hour per week, and up to the 8th grade. Today the textbooks have been radically changed, that is, simplified, classical music, the history of great music is simply mutilated, if it can be said to be presented at all. A typical example – instead of a whole lesson and even a series of lessons about Mozart – a small portrait of him and below the text: “Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791), Austrian composer who wrote symphonies”. That’s all! Unbelievable, but true! Shameful! In another textbook, in which neither Schubert nor Verdi or Brahms were found, there were pictures of the Beatles, Freddie Mercury and Itzo Stoichkov. What to talk about? Let’s destroy what little culture and spirituality we have left! Well, isn’t that the Dulles Plan of the 1950s in action? The more simple, uneducated, uncultured Eastern Europeans, the better for us, for America!, he said. (And this harmful organization “America for Bulgaria” invaded Bulgaria most brazenly.) Yes, but the other Eastern Europeans did not ruin musical and aesthetic education so irresponsibly and lightly. In our northern neighbor, which is ahead of us in almost everything, these collapses did not occur. And our educational “reforms” and some media have led us to the point that our children consider great music to be something almost stupid and superfluous and live with rock, rap, disco and chalga. Even the so-called big TVs with big pretensions and Turkish soap operas like “Nova” and bTV have turned their backs on real values ​​in art, they never show opera or symphony concert and even operetta, serious cinema and theater, but their shows like “The Comedians” are overflowing with soulful music and jungle rhythms,

of simpleton sketches and fat, cynical jokes

Not to mention the shameful phenomenon of “Big Brother” and the productions of the indefatigable Halvajian and the extremely bad example that these incredibly harmful and cynical shows set for teenagers.
Another ugly phenomenon are children’s variety shows on television. Making a little girl sing adult songs, dressed and made up like a pop singer, grimacing and imitating Lily Ivanova or some swindler is really bad taste. Even against the nature and physics of a child! And children’s choral singing in our country, with such old traditions, one of the leading in the world, is already dying due to the mutilated curricula of the Ministry of Education and Culture and the lack of love on the part of most school principals. And while before there was no school without its own orchestra, wind music, choir, dance group, and in some of the big high schools there used to be symphonic orchestras!, now the low genres are in the foreground. And after some of our ignorant rulers wanted to close the art schools, and GERB ruined the theaters and music institutes, after a generation or so we will have neither operas nor orchestras, simply because there will be no audience for them. The chalga in all its ugly varieties and manifestations will blossom and flourish.

Music party…

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