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June 10 celebrated in Jerónimos with speeches by Tolentino Mendonça and PR

Portugal Day will be marked with a “symbolic ceremony” at the Mosteiro dos Jerónimos, in Lisbon, at 11:00 on June 10, with speeches by the president of the celebrations, cardinal Tolentino Mendonça, and the head of state.

This information is contained in a note posted on the Presidency of the Republic’s website, which states that “the celebrations that were planned for the Autonomous Region of Madeira and South Africa have been changed, so as to respect the health precaution rules in the covid-19 disease pandemic ”.

The program will begin “outside the Jerónimos Monastery where, at 11:00 am and under the chairmanship of the head of State, the national flag raising ceremony takes place, with the execution of the national anthem, 21 saved by the Portuguese Armada naval unit anchored on the Tagus River and overflowing with homage by a squadron of Air Force F-16 aircraft ”.

According to the same note, “later, in the Church of Santa Maria de Belém, the President of the Republic deposits a wreath at the tomb of Luís Vaz de Camões, and keeps a minute’s silence in honor of the dead at the service of the country”.

“In the cloisters of the Monastery, Cardinal José Tolentino de Mendonça, chairman of the organizing committee for the Day of Portugal, Camões and the Portuguese Communities, will take the floor, followed by the intervention of President Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, which closes the ceremonies, ”reads the text.

The President of the Republic, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, had already announced, on the 17th of April, that Portugal Day would be marked with a “symbolic ceremony” next to the Jerónimos Monastery.

At the time, the head of state issued a note to reaffirm that he would mark the 10th of June, as well as participate in the commemorative session of the 25th of April in the Assembly of the Republic, then involved in controversy due to the number of people present in view of the restrictions imposed to combat the spread of covid-19.

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