“Sugar water, a touch of vitamins and lots of marketing talk!” So describes the food watchdog Foodwatch a series of iced teas from the Jumbo supermarket chain which this year won the Gouden Windei.
Iced tea with product names like “Inner Beauty,” “Good Energy,” and “Feel Immune” won the award, which Foodwatch gives annually to the most misleading food product. According to Foodwatch, it is misleading to present this tea as healthy to the customer and furthermore the tea in the drink is “hard to find”.
A Jumbo representative received the Gouden Windei. In a response, Jumbo says it’s a shame he won the award. The product would comply with European standards.
From now on, the supermarket will only make health claims on products that fall under the Wheel of Five. Previously, the supermarket had already announced that it would change the packaging of the iced tea. This should be done by mid-April.
Grandma’s recipe?
47 percent of voters in this year’s Foodwatch public election voted for Jumbo’s “healthy” iced tea. Second prize went to Kellogg’s, of which it is allegedly guilty criminal dishaccording to Foodwatch.
Third place goes to grandmother’s free-range potato salad Pure Craft Artisan salad from the Dirk/Dekamarkt supermarket group. Such a salad would not be prepared in such a traditional way, according to Foodwatch, because it contains substances such as sodium benzoate (‘where grandma keeps the sodium benzoate again?’). ‘Artisan’ and ‘grandma’ are getting rid of the packaging.