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Jumbo confirms Frits van Eerd’s absence due to a money laundering investigation

CEO Frits van Eerd is absent from Jumbo, the supermarket chain said in a press release Thursday night. The supermarket chain management team looks after day-to-day business operations, reports Jumbo.

“Jumbo has just taken note of the reports of the Public Prosecutor (OM) with an update on his investigation”. The supermarket chain said in a statement. “This report shows that the interrogations have not yet been completed.”

According to sources, Van Eerd was arrested on Tuesday during a raid on his home in Heeswijk-Dinther. FIOD employees then confiscated boxes full of documents. Nine people were arrested on Tuesday morning. These are suspects from Brabant and Drenthe. Eight of them are still incarcerated, at least until Friday

On Thursday, the prosecutor decided to detain eight suspects in the large-scale money laundering investigation for another three days. This decision will be reviewed by the investigating judge on Friday. The lawyers of the suspects can therefore still oppose.

The raid on Heeswijk-Dinther was part of a large money laundering investigation. Money laundering was carried out through real estate transactions, car trading, unexplained cash deposits and sponsorship deals in the sport of motocross. In addition, there is a suspicion of VAT fraud in the automotive sector.

Both Jumbo and the Prosecutor previously did not want to confirm that the CEO was detained in the context of the money laundering investigation. “As part of the investigation, Frits van Eerd is also being asked questions,” was all the supermarket chain wanted to say about it.

This is now complemented by the claim that Van Eerd is not working. “During his absence, Jumbo’s day-to-day operations are safeguarded by the management team.”

The supermarket chain does not want to make any further announcements.


Raid on Jumbo CEO Frits van Eerd: eight suspects remain in prison

“Jumbo CEO Frits van Eerd Arrested as a Suspect in a Money Laundering Investigation”

Home Raid Jumbo CEO Frits van Eerd is part of a large money laundering investigation

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