Home » today » News » Julien Lamit, chef from Haut-Mexant, gold medal at the Olympiades des métiers

Julien Lamit, chef from Haut-Mexant, gold medal at the Olympiades des métiers

His first participation was crowned with success: “I had participated in two other races, but never in the Olympics, explains the winner. The most stressful part was cooking in front of so many people. For the rest I felt good and the atmosphere was good ”.

Athlete accustomed to competition, effort and self-improvement (medal at the World Rowing Championships in 2012), Ludovic Seureau, his coach, is not on his first attempt: he is a second gold medal. In fact, in 2017, he accompanied Christopher Chaigne who also won gold.

“I’m super proud, of course! Exclaims Ludovic. In addition to having cooked well, there is also a good integration in the group and a capacity for autonomy demonstrated by Julien. “


After this great challenge, which also allowed Julien to gain confidence, organization and prioritization of tasks, the golden couple is preparing for the next national meeting in March to try to integrate the France Abilympics team.

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