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Julien Doré finds the L5 in his clip “All the women in your life”

The album “Imposter” and the upcoming tour

Julien Doré offers us a road trip in a yellow convertible, 80s version. At first alone, the singer with fiery hair quickly finds Alex, Marjorie, Coraly and Claire, the members of the girls band formed in 2001, to perform a bit of path. In the ultimate nod to the concept of his new album, Julien Doré returns to his beginnings when he appeared in the M6 ​​telecrochet New Starsix years after the formation of the L5 within another telecrochet of the channel, Pop stars.

Seventeen years after his victory during the fifth season of the New StarJulien Doré wonders about “ the true from the false, the beautiful from the ugly and the imposture of legitimacy ». « I want to succeed in saying who I am, in the words of others, before sharing mine “, he said. With “Imposter”, which will be released on November 8, he will reveal everything he wants to express regarding his identity. From March 1, 2025, the singer with the barrette will begin a tour in the Zéniths and arenas, with, among others, concerts in Aix-en-Provence, Lille, Brest, Lyon, as well as in Brussels, to conclude with a last date in Montpellier, December 6.

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