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Julie Zenatti and Patrick Fiori, breakup and engagement canceled: “We had been together for 7 years”

They are beautiful and young, sing like gods and both have just been hired on the musical of the moment. When they meet at the end of the 90s, Julie Zenatti (40 years old) and Patrick Fiori (51 years old) have everything to please each other when they find themselves on the stage of Notre Dame of Paris. If today they are no longer together, their meeting at the time will not take long to transform into a serious relationship. The one who plays Phoebus falls in love with Fleur-de-Lys and they will spend seven beautiful years together.

An idyllic story between the one who is now in a relationship with Benjamin Bellecour and the one who has a slight weakness for singers. Everything is going so well between them that they decide to get engaged. Unfortunately, their plans for the future fell through in 2006 when the two lovers decided to go their separate ways. A break in love, but that does not mean that they put an end to their professional relationship.

It’s the first time that I don’t look at myself in someone else’s eyes when I make a record

Indeed, following their breakup, Patrick Fiori even goes so far as to write songs for his ex. For her part, Julie tries to forge her path and as she told Le Parisien in 2007, the writing of her record Pandora’s box proves difficult. “We had been together for seven years. I was working with the person I was living with. This is the first time that I do not look at myself in the eyes of another when I make a record “, she explains.

After this breakup, Julie Zenatti will find love again with actor Benjamin Bellecour, with whom she will have a little Ava (born in 2011) and a little Elias (born in 2017). For his part, Patrick Fiori is in a relationship with Ariane Quatrefages with whom he also has two children.

Find Julie Zenatti this Friday, July 2 in The great blooper at 9:05 p.m. on TF1.

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