A great piece of TV in ‘Wow, wow!’. Belgian Cat Julie Vanloo was the main guest on Wednesday and openly declared her great love for the popular youth series ‘Spring’. When Jelle Cleymans – in the series Evert – came together, the two signed an amazing contract.

And does the Ketnet Spring series still have many loyal fans.
In recent years, the actors have filled the Sportpaleis several times for reunions.
Super fan Julie Vanloo would also like to be there, but she was unable to attend due to circumstances. In ‘Wow, wow!’ The presenter Otto-Jan Ham tries to arrange a rematch with the main actress Jelle Cleymans.
“I think this calls for another reunion,” Ham said. “You should consider starting over. Legally I don’t have a leg to stand on.
“Are you going to do that to me?” Vanloo added pressure by asking nicely.
A claim that Cleymans did not want to answer immediately: “I’m not going to make strong statements about that now,” he said with a smile.
To Ham: “Then Julie will get you a gold medal at the Olympic Games.”
A contract that Cleymans and Vanloo both concluded with great pleasure.
“Now I’m really pumped for Paris,” Vanloo said.
Julie Vanloo also showed off her rap skills

2024-04-18 14:30:05
#Spring #superfan #Julie #Vanloo #surprise #deal #Jelle #Cleymans