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Julián Casanova: “There will be a profound bankruptcy of the mechanisms we have to face this crisis” | Hour 25 | Present

The historian Julián Casanova marks three great differences between the historical moment that we lived with the coronavirus crisis and the great disasters of the past. “We are at the moment when democracy is more consolidated in a universal way, something that did not happen in the great previous disasters that we remember from the 20th century,” says the expert, professor at the University of Zaragoza, in the first place.

On the other hand, “the States have much more capacity for public investment and wealth distribution than before”, so the response that governments can give to face the consequences will be much more forceful. And thirdly, the evolution of science: “lscience and research during the 20th century was at the service of death and destruction, and I think that science has advanced in other lines, in other ways

For this reason, Casanova is somewhat optimistic about how universal society will emerge from this pandemic. “After this there are many more solid things so that a System bankruptcy does not come“, concludes the historian.

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