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Julia Holz: “Goodbye Germany” star with an emotional Instagram statement after the cancer fight

Updated on 06/08/2022 at 11:01 am

  • Julia Holz from “Goodbye-Deutschland” reports to her fans via Instagram.
  • The 35-year-old has fought cancer.
  • The treatments left their mark on her body.

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“Goodbye Germany” star Julia Holz reports to her fans with an emotional Instagram statement after successful cancer therapy. In April 2021, it was announced that the reality star had been diagnosed with cervical cancer. Now the disease seems to be over. However, the 35-year-old is still struggling with the consequences.

“Yes I’ve gained weight and yes I have a lot of scars on my body!” Holz wrote in the post. The influencer not only has to personally deal with the traces of the disease and the numerous chemotherapies – which do not leave any body untouched – she also sees herself exposed to nasty insults.

Julia Holz: At the “World Club Dome” there was blasphemy behind her back

Accordingly, Holz would have heard how during her visit to the “World Club Dome” she was blasphemed behind her back, “how fat and ugly I’ve become”. That hit her hard and made her cry. And it prompted her to leave the event immediately.

A difficult step: In another post, the 35-year-old reports how much she was looking forward to the event and even saw it as a triumph after the bitter fight against cancer: “Last year during my therapy I thought about it and swore to myself : If there’s World Club Dome in 2022 and I get through it all and survive – I’ll be there,” writes Holz.

Also read: “I’m burned out!”: TV chef hopes for “Goodbye Germany!” for a fresh start in Portugal

35-year-old does not recognize herself in the mirror

She doesn’t feel comfortable in her body herself at the moment and can’t do much about it “except: lymphatic drainage, wear a garter and eat healthily and exercise!”.

Such comments from outsiders would be particularly painful. Especially the left side of her body is getting fatter and when she looks in the mirror she thinks: “Is that really my body now?”

“Goodbye Germany” star has an important message

As grateful as she is to have beaten cancer, it is still not easy to get used to the changes. One change in particular can no longer be revised. She addresses her followers with an important concern:

“And please stop asking if I’m pregnant! I’ll never be able to be that again, that’s one of the things that really hurts me! Because I was asked there again at the weekend!” The question is “clumsy” anyway, since you never know what a woman is going through or has gone through.
© 1&1 Mail & Media/spot on news

Updated on 07/31/2021 at 10:43 am

Influencer Julia Holz is experiencing a roller coaster ride of emotions. It wasn’t until the end of April that she let her fans know that she had advanced cervical cancer. © ProSiebenSat.1

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