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Jujuy: investigating if a man died from ingesting di …

A 50-year-old man, a resident of the Jujuy town of San Pedro, died last Tuesday and it is being investigated if it was for consuming chlorine dioxide, since he was looking to cure himself of a strong flu.

Martín Ríos, brother of the victim, told the site We are Jujuy that your brother “He had a flu picture and that on the recommendation of a friend, he decided to take chlorine dioxide and became intoxicated”. Ríos recalled that “on Monday night he had seen his brother and that he had a cough, but in good health.”

However, everything got worse when he ingested a large amount of the dangerous substance. “1.5 liters of dioxide were taken in half a day “, he expressed.

Although the results of the autopsy that will confirm the causes of death are still awaited, Ríos explained that when SAME personnel came to assist his brother, they informed him that “had suffered a cardiorespiratory arrest ”, which in principle would be due to intoxication by ingesting chlorine dioxide.

After communicating the news, the victim’s family sought to raise awareness about the risks of ingesting this product: “This liquid is dangerous, my brother died after taking that. We open the bottles that I had consumed and they have a lot of chlorine smell. It is important for people to know it because dioxide is very dangerous, ”Ríos told the local media.

The ANMAT alert

Chlorine dioxide, a 28% solution of sodium chlorite in distilled water, gained public notoriety in recent weeks as it was erroneously promoted as a form of prevention or cure for respiratory diseases such as coronavirus.

In this regard, the National Administration of Drugs, Food and Medical Technology (ANMAT) published a statement recommending “not to consume
products containing chlorine dioxide or related substances (sodium chlorite, sodium hypochlorite, bleach) since “there is no scientific evidence on their efficacy and the ingestion or inhalation of these products could cause serious adverse effects”.

At the same time, from the Argentine Society of Infectology (SADI) they indicated that “there is no evidence that chlorine dioxide is useful to prevent or treat coronavirus.”

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