Home » today » Entertainment » Juice’s mom explains how to recognize an F-16 when it’s in the sky – TSN Exclusive

Juice’s mom explains how to recognize an F-16 when it’s in the sky – TSN Exclusive

She showed the elements that should be attached to the fuselage model.


Liliya Averyanova, the mother of the legendary pilot “Juice” (Andria Pilshchikova), who died in a plane crash, told how she recognizes an F-16 plane in the sky.

In exclusive an interview She showed TSN journalist Natalya Nagornaya the elements that should be attached to the fuselage of this model.

“Ukrainian F16s should fly in such a way that we can see that they are Ukrainians. They don’t say anything here.

F-16 aircraft model / Photo: TSN.ua

She suggests that the F16 flights were test flights when they were withdrawn.

“And they are probably displaced planes that have not yet acquired the characteristics of a Ukrainian plane. Perhaps, for testing purposes, they were painted in NATO gray colors. Maybe the signs of the country that gave us to us are no longer there, but there are still no Ukrainian signs,” says the mother of “Jusa”.

You can watch the video on TSN’s YouTube channel at this link: F16 in Ukraine! Mommy JUice tells all! What a last WEEK of my son’s life!

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