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Jufed workers demonstrate against the reform of the PJ

A few hours before the Senate of the Republic discusses in Committees the bill approved by the Chamber of Deputies on the Constitutional Reform of the Judicial Branch, members of the National Association of Circuit Magistrates and District Judges of the Judicial Branch of the Federation, as well as workers in this sector, students and representatives of civil society organizations marched from the Hemiciclo a Juárez, next to the Alameda in Mexico City, to the Senate headquarters on Paseo de la Reforma.

Upon their arrival at the legislative building, they again spoke out against the reform and claimed that students and workers have not been heard by the legislators.

However, they clarified that they will not prevent the access of the senators who will participate today in the meeting called for 1:00 p.m. in the Joint Committees of Constitutional Matters and Legislative Studies, in which they are expected to vote on the opinion that will be submitted to the Senate.

The column extended its route along several streets of Paseo de la Reforma, which forced the closure of the circuit organized every Sunday so that cyclists and runners can use this road.

On a platform placed next to a banner with the phrase “traitors to the country” and the faces of the two PRD senators who joined the Morena bench, workers from 32 circuits of the Judicial Branch of the Federation spoke out, as well as university students who affirmed that “students are always on the right side of history.”

With sound equipment installed on site, one of the workers detailed the position of the protesters.

“Female judges, male …

He called on legislators to “fulfill their historic commitment to democracy and the survival of the Republic, as the founders conceived it, that of a country for free people, which today may be threatened.”

Judicial independence, they argued, is the guarantee that justice will be impartially and fairly delivered, free from political influence and external pressure. “Today we face challenges that seek to undermine this independence, and with it democracy itself. Polarization and intolerance seek to weaken our institutions and erode trust in justice.”

Calling to “fight against attempts to undermine the independence” of the judiciary, the demonstrators launched various messages against the reform. “Reform, yes, but not in this way,” said another of the speakers.

#Jufed #workers #demonstrate #reform
– 2024-09-10 06:16:02

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