Home » today » Sport » Judo: Ezio Gamba leaves Russia, runs for the Italian Federation – News – Ansa.it

Judo: Ezio Gamba leaves Russia, runs for the Italian Federation – News – Ansa.it

From Moscow ’80 to the Russian national team, with lessons on the tatami to Vladimir Putin and the honorary citizenship given by the president himself: but now Ezio Gamba, gold medalist in judo at the Moscow Olympics (when he faced the difficult choice of leaving the Carabinieri) and money in Los Angeles ’84, he says he is ready to return to Italy to lead the Italian judo team.

Gamba, from Brescia, 65 years old, a true icon of his sport until he entered the Judo Hall of Fame, resigned as the technical coordinator of the Russian national teams to run for the leadership of Fijlkam, the Italian Judo Wrestling Karate Martial Arts Federation, as learned from ANSA.

“I feel completely renewed and ready for a new adventure”, says Gamba in a letter to Fijlkam circles, in which he talks about his fight with the disease four a year ago as “the most difficult test” and describing himself as “the right person” for the alliance. Federjudo will go to the vote at the end of the four-year Olympic period, after the chiaroscuro edition of the Games, with the golden light of Alice Bellandi, included in Paris by Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni.

The current president, Domenico Falcone, is closing his second mandate and for him there would be no obstacle (partial, additional) on the border of three mandates which is a source of conflict between the president Coni and most of the prime minister. Already a legend in martial arts, in recent years Gamba’s reputation has also been relaunched by the choice to work in Russia, where he moved in 2009 and where he ‘he received citizenship for sports merit in 2016 from the hands of Vladimir Putin, where he was from. personal judo instructor. Under the leadership of the Italian Olympics, the Russians won three Olympic gold medals on the tatami for the first time at the London Games 2012. Then, the war in Ukraine put pressure on its presence in Russia. He retired as secretary general of EJU, the European Judo Union, in 2022.

“I cannot accept to remain motionless in the face of the current tragic events – he said – I cannot continue as if nothing is happening, but at the same time I cannot accept that the world of judo can be further divided. “

In a letter that he will now send to Italian federation circles to explain his claim – seen by ANSA – the “master” launches an appeal to support him” to all who have thought in recent years to distance themselves from our sports world for various reasons to share this path with me”. I am sure that I am the right person, capable of taking on the responsibility required to lead and manage such an important alliance,” continued Gamba.

The Olympian from Moscow, who is leaving his position as the technical coordinator of the Russian national teams, talks about “rapprochement with Italy” after the illness that struck four years ago (“the most difficult test”) , and says that it is “proven that every division of ours has competent honest people, judo, wrestling, karate, along with ju jitsu and the related disciplines, which makes it possible to preview at least two Olympic working cycles: so I trust in the support of all. who thinks that is the right time to start this journey with me, with new ideas and diverse skills to contribute”. “Judo and this federation have given me so much and now, together with you, it is time to repeat – concludes Gamba – We will build our future together”.

2024-08-26 14:46:00
#Judo #Ezio #Gamba #leaves #Russia #runs #Italian #Federation #News #Ansa.it

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